An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

54.6v its an ebike battery using the 150a matek sensor that supports up to 16s.

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I have now connected a GPS. The map in Mission Planner shows me the location. But the map in Ethos has only white tiles with “No Map Data”.

I extracted the map data via prefetch in MP Planner and converted it with the gmapresizetool. Afterwards I copied everything to \scripts\yaaputelemetry\maps.

Nevertheless, no map is displayed, but my GPS position.

Edit: already solved … The map data belongs under bitmaps, not under scripts …

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In the telemetry screen I only see the following entries:
RX (is always 0)

Shouldn’t VSpd and other sensors show up there too?

Ethos does not provide yet a method of injecting custom sensor data from Lua

Ethos version, @yak-54 @Target0815 fixed a bunch of things, please download updated version from github

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what should be the SD paths for the Maps and Audio and bitmaps ? for the X12S

Installation instructions added on github


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Today i have been using Ethos 1.0.0c-dev on X12S for about 7+ hours change all my Ardupilot planes a choppers from openTX to Ethos the only thing i found i get every so often loading layout pop up on all screens and the sound stop reading out like flight modes after a bit
and can we disable DISARMED / ARMED flashing on the maps and message screen
Flight mode flyby over laps number of satellites may change to FBWA FBWB
same as AvoidADSB i would say anything over 8 characters it to big

All i can say Alex and testers is thanks
I have been waiting so i can move away from OpenTX as it only supports 16 Channels
ethos does 24 CH

Thanks A lot Alex for your time I think its time by coffee / wine red or white ?

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How do you actually download all the files if there is no .zip file? For some things Github is somehow illogical …

Edit: some tools probably exist for this purpose. Herewith it went:

left click on code and download zip

Yes, that is clear. But take Alex’s link (directly to the Ethos directory). And then?

just go here GitHub - yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript at dev
and left click on green code button

Hi Colin, fixed arming status over maps and messages, also corrected flightmode display, updated version is on github

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Thanks will get it on my tx now as i have another day of transfering planes :+1:

Question in ethos when i do a telemetry scan it comes up theses sensor


50XX are from passthrough telemetry, F000 is listed as FACT_TEST_ID but no idea what the purpose is

Hi Alex,just a daft question,if I get a Frsky Tandem X20 to replace my horus 10s/rfd setup this latest script runs on the X20 and I should get long rang p;us your telemetry is that correct many thank’s on advance

i have been using this on ethos on x12s for weeks with RFD 900X TXmod works fine
i did test it on X20S works great as well

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Thank you Colin,now decision wether to buy new radio as like my 10s+RFD setup.