An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

First of all are you using ArduPilot?

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No, EdgeTX.

I thought I needed to run the dev version as it said EdgeTX in the notes?

Sorry, I meant on the flight controller, my widget requires ardupilot as flight stack, it will not work with betaflight or inav.
I asked because I also wrote a mapping widget dedicated to other flight stacks

My apologies I misunderstood I am using iNav 5.0 on my flight controller

Is there a alternate version to run with iNav?

I did the try the iNav version, but sti not sure what’s wrong. I can see my gps long and lat but the maps don’t load.

…almost there

Ethos X10/X12

Ethos X18

Ethos X20


Hi Alex, from which version is the X18 supported?

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I only have the X18 Simulator, no real radio, all my testing on X18 has been with Ethos 1.2.11.
X10 and X20 has been bench tested with Ethos 1.3.2 but works fine with 1.2.11 as well

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I have a X18S with Ethos 1.3.3 and can test your script …


sweet, couple of more days and I’ll post a test version :slight_smile:
This version can use the external serial port to process MavToPT frsky telemetry as an option

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if you need a beta testing i will help :+1:


i would of like to buy X20s but its missing t5 t6 and siders L1 L2 and little module bay and 6 position switch i think that be the X20s downfall for FVP and UAV flying

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Hi. Thanks for a fantastic piece of code! Amazing :ok_hand:

On my system (FrSky x10 Horus with Ardupilot), the Flight Timer resets to 60:00.

Is it possible to reset this to 00:00


Alan K

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Hi Colin that is a very bad mistake by Frsky to do the tandem with a small modual bay as the RFD modual wont fit

@Target0815 @yak-54

Ethos full screen test/dev version for all radios (X10, X12, X18 and X20)
download here

Edit: updated to version 1.0.0c, please download this one




  • Map zoom in/out by tapping top/bottom right size of the screen, on X10 no zoom control yet
  • full screen message history is still missing/incomplete

feedback is welcome


Do i just use X10 files on my X12s ?

i did get this

my bad missed full screen lol i used the wrong screen
use the one that says full screen on it lol and not the one that looks like full screen and turn off the title as well for X12S

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new Ethos version 1.0.0b that fixes an event handling bug (wheel, touch, etc)

Edit: updated to version 1.0.0c, please download this one

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yes :slight_smile: go full screen and disable the title, please update to the version I just posted

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yep i found that wheel bug first time i powered it on last night it went emergency mode was bit late to post the issue i just come on now to report it Lol