An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

I have yaapu script working on Radiomaster TX16S EDGETX with R9 Module but I can’t get it to run when I switch to SIYI FM30.

I have Serial_Option set at 2 with 57 baud rate.

I have it working on Jumper T16 running Opentx with SIYI FM30 but not can’t get it to run on EDGETX. I currently have edgetx 2.7.1 but have tried 2.6.0 with no success.

I’ll appreciate any assistance.

Thank you

Hello Alex
any news for the widget for X12s on ethos ?

Recommend X12S + EdgeTX

I don’t think the SIYI hardware supports telemetry. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you can only select SBus throughput there, right?

It does. Mavlink, I think.

I use same module on Jumper T16 running Opentx 2.3.11 and have Yaapu script/widgets working with no issues at all.

I’ve thought on installing Opentx on the Radiomaster TX16S but it would be nice to keep the EDGETX on it.

Thank you

Sorry for the less than intelliegnt question. Running 2.3.14 otx, Jumper T16. Have followed the widget instructions for installation. When setting up the Yaapu widget it says it is disabled. How do I enable? Arducopter V4.2.2 on Matek F405, CRFS quad. Thank you in advance.

disabled means it’s crashing on startup for some reason, double check your setup

Thank you for the reply!
Not sure what to check on setup. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-16 um 09.42.39

What is the meaning of these two symbols (T/F)?

You have a “Target lock” and it´s recommending you to fire your “Flares” :smiley:

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Terrain and Fence status

any news for the widget for X12s on ethos ?

Hi,I have my 868 mod+ux receiver working great on my Horus 10s and Mtek H743 f/c,one slight problem I have is my throttle does not alter percentage on the main screen,I cannot see a setting in the Yaapu setup to alter it,how can I solve this please.

i had this as well in the past it was Ardupilot issue

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Thank you Colin is there a work around please

It requires a recent ArduPilot, which version are you flying?

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i did report it on GitHub it was fix some time ago but it may snuck back in

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Hi Alex,I have the latest plane dev ardupilot on my Matek H743 V3 and I hope you and family are doing good in these troubling times

yea hope all is good with you and family Colin,hopefully it is me doing something wrong

I am running EdgeTX 2.7.1 and yaapu 1.9.6 (dev version) on my Radiomaster TX16s mkII. I can not for the life of me get the yaapu maps to work. If I run this version or any other version it does not work. I can run the iNav widget and have full telemetry working, Ive downloaded my maps multiple times but the yaapu maps never sees any sensors. Im at a complete loss what to do here. Ive deleted and re installed and followed all instructions and mandatory steps. PLEASE HELP!!