Hi all, I have purchase radiomaster and I need smallest size RX that works with my tiny 3" quadrotor. My fc is omnibus f4 nano v6.
This rx works with lua yaapu?
Thanks in advance
Hi guys,
i am using Yaapu Telemetry Widget 1.8.1 with FrSky X10S and Teensy Board (with mavlinkToPassthru) on Pixhawk with PX4 FMU.
Have still the problem on my yapuu telemetry screen, that Voltage is always 99% and FlightModes are not correct mapped. Rest, like GPS, IMU and Messages are working correct. For example if flight mode “altitude” is choosen by switch (QGC shows correct), in Display it shows and say loud “Manual”. Same on “AltCtrl”, but it should be “Position Control”.
May you know this issue and i am just a noob?
That Rx will work, A Frsky R-XSR is another choice.
Hi Rico,
my widgets do not work with the PX4 flight stack, they require ArduPilot.
You might try with this
Probably. Every airplane I’ve rolled requires rudder input at least at the start and end of the roll. Every airplane exhibits some degree of adverse yaw. You apply left aileron and the airplane yaws right: loss of coordination. The tea would spill left.
To make a coordinated roll (whether 30 degrees or 360), you must lead with the rudder. This is the purpose of the “feed-forward” aileron-to-rudder parameter KFF_RDDRMIX
in ArduPilot.
I am currently using x9d openTx 2.2.2 with the some soldering required cable and the 1.8 lua script, pretty happy sofar, thanks Yaapu. Somewhere someone wrote the Yaapu lua script is not working 100% with openTx 2.3.x (forgot version). Is it safe now to update my x9d to latest otx v2.3.9 and have lua script still working?
yep i have it on x9d and x9d+ there on 2.3.9
I upgraded my x9d from otx 2.2.2 to 2.3.9 and yaapu lua script v1.80 does not show voltage any more, randomly it does. In MP it shows all the time (so i am guessing its not hardware related) when connecting through the 3dr telemetry 900mhz modems. I might drop back to a older yaapu script (1.7~) to test, unless anyone has suggestions?
@Ozzy Hi, please run this debug version so I can see which packets you actually get
debug.lua (2.3 KB)
It will create a log file in /LOGS/ please attach it here
Sure thing! Will have to wait till I get off work in 6 hours.
Question, will it record GPS data (this will decide if I fly at my house or not)?
No it won’t record GPS data, and you can always send it via a PM
@yaapu here is the log, I did two packs, I had the 3dr 900mhz modems on and MP did show voltage/current both packs.pixhawklite2-20200828_184134.zip (116.4 KB)
Hi, this is the data you’re receiving and voltage is there, I tried to replay it on my X9D on OpenTX 2.3.9 and everything works as expected, i.e I see both voltage and current.
Please try with an empty model configuration file in the models/yaapu folder.
pixhawklite2-20200828_184134.plog.zip (158.2 KB)
@yaapu that seemed to fix it, only got in a couple of flights and it was working well. Thanks for your help!
I’ve been trying for a long time to get my Yaapu script to work. I’m seeing telemetry data on my Radiomaster TX16S which is running Open TX 2.3.9. The files are all in the correct places on the SD card and the widgets work but won’t populate. I’d like to verify one thing before I keep trying. I’m running ArduRover 4.0 and now wondering if that is supported? I’m also having to choose Option 4 rather than Option 10 for serial 2 in Mission Planner to see the telemetry on my Transmitter. I’ve tried both Frsky and Jumper transmitters with their correct cables and it’s the same. If you could point me in a direction so I’m not doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I would appreciate it.
Hi, Rover should work, SERIAL_PROTOCOL must be 10, follow the wiki and should work just fine
I have it working also with ardurover on tx16s. So you should be good to go.
Thank you for the quick response.
Right, no problem with Rover, have been using it for quite awhile.
Hi ,
i bought the RX jumper R1 +, it works fine but yappu doesn’t work. I connected the Sport cable to the TX1 of the omnibus nano v6.0 and selected protocol 10 on serial 1. In the radiomaster telemetry screen I see only a few values (rssi and 4 others). Do I need to set any other parameters? Is the simple cable sufficient or is an inverter necessary? Thank you