An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

fixed this one too, please redownload the zip file

Good evening Alex,
just did a bench test with the updated zip which confirms you great work :+1:
ok I would like the acid green rubber duck :grinning:

there you go

Real basic question from a learner

I have a
Matek F765 Wing FC

Can I directly connect the S Bus to this FC?
If so can anyone help?

Taranis 9D Plus, Yaapu script running
Big thanks to Yaapu for making this possible


Not really a question for this thread but sure you can. It’s connected to UART6 (Rx6)

Maybe I have it wrong then – I have:
S.Port — TX4
S Bus OUT — RX6

Is that correct?

(If I’m hogging the thread, then I can ask somewhere else… I don’t know where else!)

been working some thing little diffident with RDF 900X TXMOD kit got it to work with your script Alex and little help from Eric Stockenstrom Teensy to Passthrough

Thank you for you script

Link RFD900x-TxMod for Taranis X9D and Horus X12S with Telemetry

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Alex, I flew yesterday and have something here… The arrow on the bottom right spins opposite to the actual plane movement. See the video when I left the plane in LOITER to calibrate the pitot.
I’m using beta2 and I see there was something similar in beta1.

Hi Nicolau,
that’s the intended behaviour, it’s the relative home “direction” if you turn toward that direction you go home


It probably needs an extra explanation in the docs :slight_smile:

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I recently found out about Yaapu and I’ve been trying to configure it onto my Taranis X9D+. I’ve followed the setup wiki for Taranis and I’ve the setup at the beginning of this page and made sure all of my . When I hold down the page button on the Taranis I get this message:

“Script syntax error
attempt to call nil value”

I’m not sure what to do next. Thank you for your time.

Hi Pedro,
can you attach your sdcard /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY folder as a zip file so I can take look at it?

Trans 1 (74.0 KB)

Here’s the entire scrips folder from my Taranis. Thank you

Hi Pedro, looks good to me.
Which versioin of OpenTX are you using?

I’m on version 2.2.4

ok, can you post the “settings” page in companion used to download the radio firmware, make sure you have lua and luac selected.
Please test it on a new model created from scratch!

Here you go sir. Just created a new model and we have the same issue.


we had a strange problem today, hope someone could help me out with this.

We used this amazing script sofar with the Horus X12 and the X8R Receiver. Worked great all the time!

We now used it with the R9M and R9 for longrange. We receive the telemetry, but it stops transfering it after a couple of minutes. I still can control the drone, but don´t receive any new telemetry data. Only after I disconnect and connect the receiver or the battery from the drone, the transfer of the telemetry starts again.

We used than the same remote control again with the X8R receiver and it worked fine.

Does anybody know, where the problem could be?

Looks like the same issue here

BTW I fly an R9M on flex + r9mini with no issues

Hello Alex,

thank you, you are right. We receive the newer 2019 Version tomorrow and will test it again. You use also the Frsky Mavlink Passthrough on the Teensy, right?

I did a lot of testing with the Teensy and ESP32 since Eric and I collaborated quite a bit on that project but I mostly fly with plain ardupilot passthrough telemetry.