An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi Alex,

with Ethos 1.5.5 the widget switch problem is solved.

There is one more inconvenience: when the internal menu for Pause is called in the Yaapu widget, the display starts blinking. The function itself is available and the blinking stops when the menu is closed.

I know, I reported it to the ethos developer, I’m using ethos API to display the menu so there’s really nothing much I can do

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I’ve asked this before: can you make the pause option available in the setup so that you can set how the script runs by default? I test a lot of ELRS equipment and always have to manually set the script to pause for their settings.

I read your request but I don’t think an option would help much:
How it works now:

ELRS configure

ELRS configure

What you propose

ELRS configure

ELRS configure

so in my opinion the option would only save you from 1 initial pause, from there on it would be the same, or am I missing something?

You missing … :wink: I start the transmitter to run various tests and always have to pause the script first when the Yaapu script is installed. I don’t need the script for the tests, but I just have to pause it.

mhmm how about an option to “persist” the pause state, so when you switch off the transmitter and the widget was paused it would start paused?

Would also be ok, the transmitter has to remember this anyway, so it can also be in the config, right?

not sure it would be easy, seems the config storage is only available while in the widget config state, need to investigate

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Sorry, if that here is the wrong place to ask or if I insulted anyone here.

Problem: See the yaapu screen with live sensors, Sensor list in radio shows 4 sensors live. Push ‘discover new’ and go back to yaapu start screen, go back to radio telemetry screen and see 11 additional sensors found, but not live.

Radio - FrSky X10 with EdgeTX 2.9.4
RX - FrSky Archer RS set on inv. F.Port
FC - SpeedyBee F405 Wing Mini AP Plane 4.5.0

yaapu does not use sensors but rather injects fake sensors into edgetx/opentx, what you see is expected beahviour.
Check Telemetry sensors discovery · yaapu/FrskyTelemetryScript Wiki · GitHub

So while the widget is running all sensors will be updated by the widget itself, when the widget is paused (other lua script sunning from the system menu or while inside an opentx/edgetx menu) the sensors are not updated

EDIT - fixed probably. Leaving post for info
Does anyone know what may be causing my X20s (ethos) to crash into emergency mode when I swipe onto a Yaapu screen?
Strangely some models are fine. All are on CRSF. Settings look the same between models that are fine and ones that crash it. Have deleted sensors etc.

EDIT. It looks like having title on causes it.

Ethos 1.5.5 should fix that

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On my X20S the Arduplane messages are getting truncated and shifted between lines on the screen. Ethos 1.5.4.
Yaapu Telemetry: Patched version for Ethos 1.5.x

EDIT: This may be specific to my Matek H743-Wing. I flew with a Speedybee F405-Wing and I didn’t see the truncating issue.

I see you have 1.1.0
My widget version still says 1.0.0 even though I have got new versions. What should it say for Ethos X20s?
Also something changed (not sure when) and now swiping is very slow.

makes sense, trunkated messages you’re losing packets somewhere

I’m struggling to set up multiple screens in the script on a new EdgeTX TX16S, can’t remember ever having a problem with it before. If I remember correctly, on my old OpenTX radio I simply switched through Yaapu’s screens with the forward key, and I had set up those differently (full text output page, maps page, graph display…). Now I can’t seem to change the “default” setting in Yaapu config anymore for Screens 2, 3 etc. I’m probably just overlooking something?

I spent the day rolling back Ethos, RF, ArduPlane, and Yaapu to what I knew was working a year ago, then gradually upgraded until I started showing truncated messages in the Yaapu widget. ArduPlane made it to the latest release. Ethos made it to 1.4.15, which was the last 1.4.x release. I started with Yaapu 1.0.0 beta. I’m not sure which GitHub release that is, but when I upgraded to 1.1.0 although it didn’t completely work due to Ethos not being 1.5, I could see the messages truncating. So it would appear that something changed between those two Yaapu versions that introduced the truncating problem. I am happy to troubleshoot further since I know most of your Ethos development is tested through the simulator. Let me know what else I can try. This happens with any Frsky receiver sending telemetry over s.port, f.port, and f.port with rx/tx swapped. I do not get the truncating issue with my ELRS receiver.

hi can you post the exact versions? it’s the hex “hash” next to the version

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Sure. My radio is an X20S. Ethos is 1.4.17 FCC.

The working version of Yaapu is from the dev branch, 1.0.0 beta1 (141293d)
The truncating version is from master, 1.1.0 (b2f1c6f)

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Hi Mike and Alex on my X20s with latest Yaapu and on Ethos 1.5.8 I have to go into the RF setting and turn down the RX from 500 to25mw to get it to work then turn the Mw up so I can get my flying range and Yaapu is my saviour as all ways have the parameters I need