An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Sir Alex of Yaapu O yes it is working I have but 1.5 RC3 on my X20s and updated the scripts and it is working as far as I can see,Thank you from the bottom of my heart have a great day

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Great, double check the flight timer works and actually starts counting and we should be ok!

thanks Marty

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Yea I have the flight timer working as well you are a genius thank you now need to try and cram more stuff into my half brain cell

Confirmed it is working on ELRS with an external RF module as well. Thank you so much, sir. We have the best of all worlds now.


Yes Mike we are so so lucky to Have Alex and his Yaapu,ArduPilot and our Ethos radio system and so many great and helpful Developers that makes our hobby so rewarding thank you every one and you Mike for getting this upload moving


Ok, just to close this off… I had a break from trying to figure this out and came back to it yesterday, powered on the transmitter and then the plane and (drum roll) it’s now working. I didn’t change anything! Whaaaaa?

Now, after playing around with the startup sequence I’ve realised that if mission planner (or QGC) is on, with the Mavlink transmitter plugged into the PC, then I can’t get the widget to display telemetry (just says NO TELEMETRY) on the receiver. Not sure what is going on here. Has anyone else observed this? Is this a feature maybe that stops SPort if mavlink transmission is detected? I’ve got it working, but it was a rabit hole that ate lots of time, so if it’s a feature, maybe it should be documented and if it’s a bug then maybe raise an issue on github?


Hi Alex,

Your script seems to cause problems with the Ethos 1.5.0 release up to emergency mode. Can you please take a look at it?

If you need help with debugging please let me know.

what radio are you using ?

The errors were reported with an X20S in our local forum.

sure, any easy way to reproduce it?

Nothing more is displayed. It worked perfectly with Ethos 1.4.7.


I can test it myself in a few days (X18SE). It will probably look like this too.

Did you try the patched version specific for ethos 1.5 I posted above?

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No, To be honest, I hadn’t seen this version yet … I’ll let you know if it works.


It works perfect for me any way

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works fine for me as well on an X20 pro on 1.5.0

Thanks Alex

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I have now done it, it works great, thank you!

I have one wish: could the pause function of the widget be activated as default in the settings? I often have to change the ELRS settings, but it doesn’t work when the widget is active. So back again, widget on pause, back to the HF setup …

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don’t update to ethos 1.5.3 looks like Ethos 1.5.3 breaks yaapu

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I was just going to ask that. Took the step from 1.4.xx to 1.5.3 this morning. Found the link to Alex’s new lua but I just get the artificial horizon, no numbers. And map not working.


if you need it install 1.5.2 works fine


another lua api breaking change in ethos 1.5.3, window clipping support has been removed (partial lcd redraw)