An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

you could try to delete all sensors
and Discover new sensors again

or its you TD firmware i am on 1.0.12

2024-01-18 v1.0.12
2024-01-18 v1.0.12

  1. Fixed the issue of missing telemetry working above 25mW RF power in EU mode.

Wehey! Who said turning it off and back on again doesn’t work. Now I get some telemetry.

Just internal stuff though with an annoying “Sensor Loss” audible warning over and over again.
I can now also pick Telemetry from the widget, but I still have nothing in the debug.

I think this is the same receiver FW version I’m using. Can you acces the receivers FW version from the transmitter or Ethos Suite? I’m completley new to this radio… You can probably tell!

Ah, looks like I didn’t flash it when I got it. I’ll do it now and let you know.

fingers crossed and toes

OK flashed with the latest RX FW and still nothing. Restarted everything too.

the only thing i can think off that’s different your on setup to mind is FCC firmware
i am on FLEX firmware

what firmware is on the cube ?

If it helps, the Scope is showing only a small packet, it doesn’t look like it’s enough data on the SPort Bus. I think it’s about 4 bytes maybe? It’s hard to tell because my decoder is a bit shite. It should be 8 bytes long right?


Thanks Alex
I have to do my home work and practice with scope/logic analyzer !
Thanks again

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alcala i just had an issues you may have to try re register the receiver and rebind

its new TD R6 i up dated to firmware 1.0.12
when i first register the receiver and then bind it i could get it to work on the same setup
on the debug page no sensors
so i deleted the the receivers on the X20 re register the TD R6 and then rebind
and the went into the telemetry page on the x20 deleted all the sensor rescand went in to the debug page bang its working

thank so much,

My set-up is working fine on taranis X9/yaapu and also on tablet (with telemetry viewer)
I am developing an arduino sw able to decifer and display the s.port on the back of the taranis. Alex provide me (see above) some good reading and youtube video to improve my knowledge.

Thanks again for your kind support


my setting up on X12 is also working great. good to have such Technology

If/When you are ready to test on Ethos 1.5.0 I am happy to help. I have the release candidate installed on my X20S and can test ELRS from an external module as well as 2.4ghz and 900mhz receivers from the internal RF system.

Edit: Certainly not taking FrSky’s side on this. As a PM myself, there are many options they could have taken to keep this working such as API versioning or backwards/forwards compatibility. I need Yaapu more than I need 1.5.0, so I will probably end up rolling back until it all gets sorted.

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Mike,I am liking the look of 1,5 think finely Ethos has come of age and showing its true pedigree shame about these driver issues but I would not want to be with out my Yaapu it is an awesome tool and Alex is a true super star in my book and hopefully we get them all gelling together soon and thank you mikedkelly for all you do as well.

you may see an stable 1.5.0 version late this year or next year i would not hold your breath with ethos lot bugs in the os any they are changing it RC3 now :wink:

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Colin and Mike,I said earlier I do not like what FrSky have done `and they have been a naughty doing it the way they have done it more work for other dev’s the add on Lua’s etc but also they have hit the people that purchase there products they just do not care about us,but that being said I do like my X20s for both the feel and the system so we rely on Alex to fix it for us and I am sure it will be done when he has time as he is busy man and I cannot be with out Yaapu thats my god to let me know what my beast in the sky is doing thank you Sir Alex

The 2 great Alex’s of this world Sir Aex of Yaapu and Sir Alex of Manchester Utd both the bestest of the best

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@yak-54 @MartyMcFly @mikedkelly (264.4 KB)
if you could test :slight_smile:

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