An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

yes you can
and if you swipe on the main screen you will get the message screen

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Hello Peter,Colin and Alex,not sure if your aware but my last craft flew away im trying to set up a TDMX receiver and my 20s again and I cannot get telemetry could you please give me your ardupilot settings to try many thanks in advance I really need to start writting stuff down

what controller you using ?

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im using A Matek H743 and the Tandem X20s and thank you for fast responce

cant help with that one i only use orange cubes

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i have cube orange but have no telemetry on it as use here link on it could you please give me your serial 6 receiver telemetry settings and your settings in rc p;ease will write down this time

serial 3 is my frsky past through thats gps port 2 on an orange cube
serial 6 is used by ADSB receiver


Thank you still not working only diff now is new receiver will keep playing with it

Ethos 1.5.x changed the LUA timer api, so my widget (and basically all widgets out there) need to support pre and post ethos 1.5 versions

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that is the problem Alex will go back pre 1.5 do you have plans for a new lua to work with 1.5 and I hope you and family are all well

works fine for me it just that on 1.5.0 keeps playing yaapu telemetry ready non stop till i remove the app from that model

Hi Alex and Colin,I am using the Matek H743 mini F/C and this morning I rolled back Ethos from 1.5 rc1 to 1,46 and hey presto all working using a TDMX receiver will try a x-srx receiver shortly. Alex is there any thing I can do to get the screen moved over to the left to get full vision of every thingthank you and keep the good work Alex and Colin thank you for your help

you need to select the “full scren” layout, and disable the widget title option, should look like this

version 1.5.0 is repeatedly displaying “yaapu telemetry ready,” which must be annoying. Have you checked with the developer or online forums for a solution? Sharing your feedback might help improve the app.

Please read my findings a couple posts back, there’s is a known yet unexpected LUA API change in Ethos 1.5 that breaks timer support, that’s the reason for the constant loop at widget creation

Hi @yaapu!
What could be the problem that the script is not working?

My equipment:

  • Radiomaster TX16s EdgeTX 2.9.2
  • Pixhawk 2.4.8 Ardurover 4.4.0
  • FrSky X8R

Good morning Alex,I received this reply about the Ethos 1.5,hope this is of help to you
Originally Posted by MeekaMoMo
Hello Mike and Maw’s,I recently updated to 1.5rc1 and had a problem my Yaapu telemtry stop working,I rolled back to 1.4.16 and all is good,I have been told the timers have been changed for the Lua sripts is this correct and will it be resolved,many thanks
There are changes to lua for 1.5.0. Developers of the scripts will need to update their scripts if they use something that has changed. Hopefully they are using 1.5.0 RC releases to make sure their scripts will work when 1.5.0 goes final and to find any bugs with the changes or new lua additions.

Some of the things I have noticed in LUA that needed to change from my F3K Training script…
timer.activeCondition() is now timer.startCondition()
timer.audioMode is removed and now there is a timer:audioActions and requires a table of audioActions. This gives a lot more customization for timers and is a nice addition, but does require changes to lua scripts if they used audioMode. got my screen working great now and thank you for every thing you do for us

All lua scripts will need update for ethos 1.5.0
unexpected LUA API change in Ethos 1.5 that breaks timer support

thanks Marty, I know what changed for I had a chat with the ethos developer, I just pointed out that breakinf changes should be notified in advance, but anyway thanks for your feedback!

edit: another “issue” is making the widget compatible with Ethos 1.5 and earlier versions, forcing an upgrade for all users is not IMO the “correct” approach

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Thank you Alex for making this great Widget and I look forward to using it for long time in the future yes Frsky are not customer friendly really have a great day