An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Thanks! I replied to a thread on the github and Yaapu has been helping and responding. Hopefully I can figure it out.

there you :slight_smile: (218 Bytes)
edit: this is an example generated on an QX7 simulator

Thank you very much.

Do I name it something in particular, or leave as example.cfg?
Does it go under MODELS/Yaapu or MODELS/Yaapu/examples?

name it like your model (no spaces in the filename) suffix is .cfg and place it in MODELS/yaapu/


No luck, unfortunately.
I tried with naming “model00.cfg”, “model01.cfg” like the yml file names, also tried naming MT12yaapu.cfg like I named my model MT12yaapu. They’re in the MODELS/yaapu directory.
I tried with CRSF:0, and CRSF:1

Still no telemetry. I see increasing message counters on the yaapudev, but the telemetry page never ends up working. Is there other things I can try?

did you run the crsf debug script? please check if telemetry is indeed flowing in

Yes. Data has always come into the debug script without issues. But not into the telemetry lua.

Did I name it right? There isn’t a lot of documentation in the cfg files or what I should call them.

Hi all i am moving all my models to X20 Pro
its all working expect for Message page
when i try to config its only showing default or map in screen type

Hi Alex,
I have made apparent progress on my X20 Ethos tx with 900mhz R9sx Rx and speedybee f405wing FC. Pass through telemetry works on uart4 so long as I use an invert cable to sport. The script runs and gives me the feedback from the FC . I don’t know why it says current GPS location is 0 degrees long and lat. It knows there are 7 sats etc. I have “Telemetry…GPS” set as the source…
The other issue maybe linked, is that in mission planner when I do a maps prefetch from my current location I get 20 zoom levels and put those folders with gmapresize into SD.bitmaps.yaapu.maps.
But when I change screen config to maps I get a few tiles from totally the wrong location and lots of no map data tiles. This at all zoom levels.
Can you please throw any light on this? Thanks for the script it’s great and I would like to get it fully functional.

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Hi Alex here is an other person with the dreaded Tandem X20s problem I no it is a pain in the but,could you maybe have a look at it again,many thanks

Hi, no need to setup the messages page, simply tap on messages in main screen and will show the messages page, tap again and should go back to main screen, use the lower pat of the screen


Hi, something is not right, you should get GPS coordinates, so unless you get them to display OK you won’t be able to have a working map setup.
Did you select a valid GPS source in the widget configuration?

edit: If you setup an extra “standard” telemetry page do you get GPS coordinates to display all right by choosing the same GPS source?

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thanks Alex lol my bad

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x12s on 1.5.0 it keeps playing yaapu telemetry ready non stop till i remove the app from that model

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mhmm, I can reproduce it on my X10 but the serial debug does not output a single line of info, I asked the ethos author for a simulator (not yet available unfortunately), let’s wait and see if he’ll release one soon.

edit: found a simulator in nighlies, loops as well, seems there’s an issue with timer handling via lua

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i think he just upload this one to Nightlies 1.5.0

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yep, found it, issue is there, I asked for help

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Many thanks Alex. I had selected GPS as the source but when I tried it on a new screen the value was zero so I deleted and rediscovered sensors and now it works.
Is there a quick way to change from default screen to maps?

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you mean by a switch? no you can swipe screen or press page

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Can I setup 2 screens one set to maps and one to default?

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