An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

Hi Alex hope all is well in your part of the world

yes it binds fine
the X12S flashed with 1.4.9
the R9M 2019 is flashed FW-R9M-ACCST-20190117 using flex
and R9 is flashed with FW-R9-ACCST-20190201 using flex
and the ISRM-S-X10S if flashed with FW 2.1.6 (FCC)
and the HW: 1.1.0 (1003.0 KB)

i have tested under FCC firmware as well

yes it works fine on openTX and EdgeTX as i said
to me it looks like there is an hardware issue with frsky passthrough in module bay board with ETHOS SYSTEM OS

Hi, I check for telemetry packets with an ID of 0x800 which are sent by Ardupilot simulating a frsky GPS sensor and plot them as coordinates, do you have the GPS sensor in the telemetry screen?

Yes, everything is visible there normally. Only the display in the script is missing.

Hi, can you select the device config option of the GPS sensor and check the Application ID?

Looks exactly like your screenshot.

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I don’t have a GPS display, but the problem has also been described here:

I have no idea how to reproduce the issue :slight_smile:
on X20 works both radio+simu,
on X12 and X10 works both radio+simu,
on X18 simulator works but not on radio, not sure here if ALL X18 have the issue or just 2 damn, frsky should send me all possible radios :slight_smile:

I voted for it … :wink:

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If I comment out the if query in drawlib.lua …

  -- gps status, draw coordinatyes if good at least once
  -- if status.telemetry.lon ~= nil and ~= nil then
    drawLib.drawText(380, y, status.telemetry.strLat, FONT_STD, status.colors.barText, RIGHT)
    drawLib.drawText(380, y+12, status.telemetry.strLon, FONT_STD, status.colors.barText, RIGHT)
  -- end

… the value there is “N/A”. In other words, nothing is displayed because there is supposedly no data.

how did you go did you get it working ?

Hi, not well :slight_smile:
My R9M 2019 flashed with D16 does not enter bind mode (not led flashing on the back) if I move the very same module on another radio (tested on many of them) it works and enters bind mode, so not sure what’s going on.
I’d probably flash my upgraded X10 to OpenTX and check that config :frowning:

try access firmware. I use access on R9M 2019. Twin X-lite receive GPS coordinates only. Not other sensors

Yes, same problem R9m access firmware. In sensor discovery i have all the sensor discovers sent by the flight controller but none discovered by yappu app.

another piece of news.
If i connect the Telemetry Viewer via the built-in bluetooth, then the telemetry is completely sent to the smartphone.

Hi, my scripts and widgets DO NOT use sensors, they rather use passthrough telemetry.
The only sensor used is the GPS one.
What is your setup?
Which radio, yaapu script, ardupilot, edgetx/opentx/ethos version?
Which RC and telemetry protocol?

Hello my setup is:

Os:Latest ethos
Transmitter: x10s
Protocol: excess
RX: r9mx fport config
Yappu ethos latest script
It has been working ok on opentx. Now I am using Ethos,early this year open tx version has lot of issues such as telemetry lost where signals are well established.since I have switch to Ethos no more telemetry lost issue.

Note: all the sensors are discoverable at TX side when runnyappu no info getting update.

As I previously wrote
Twin X-Lite Ethos with R9M 2019 Access firmware. Yaapu ethos script. Ethos 1.4.8
Ardupilot, receiver R9MM, R9Slim+OTA, access firmware, configured as FPort.
In this configuration Yaapu screen not working, but working Telemetry Viewer via internal Bluetooth (it work with passthrough telemetry)

Twin X-Lite Internal TX module in Twin mode with TW-MX receiver FPORT - Yaapu screen working

Twin X-Lite Internal TX module in X mode with RXSR receiver FPORT - Yaapu screen working

So problem with external modules.

installation instructions are outdated on github would be nice to update them specially now that the folder structure of the zip file contents in master have changed and there is an additional SRC folder as well and there are 2 folders for bw212x64_f2 and bw212x64_f4

SRC is always been there for black and white radios but it has been removed for color LCD since it’s not required.
The wiki should be up to date, I updated it when I changed the folder layout back in February, there’s always room for improvements so if you spot inconsistencies please suggest a fix

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