An Open Source Frsky Telemetry Script for the Horus X10,X12 and Taranis X9D,X9E and QX7 radios

There is nothing to regret. For my part, all my thanks and appreciation for the magnificent work you do for the benefit of us all.

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I think I found a bug in the HORUS version.

In the map zoom levels it only allows to increase the zoom level (regardless of the direction of rotation of the controller)… and once it reaches the maximum value it stays there. If you change to the map provider it goes back to the default values for that map provider and again you can increase it up to the maximum for that map provider.

Note. I am talking about the configurator

this is a regression bug caused by a git merge, thanks for pointing it out!

fixed, thanks
20 words limit bleah :frowning:

In the wiki it is mentioned to set the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the project to WGS84 [EPSG:4326], however in the supplied project (yaapu_telemetry_qgis.qgz) WGS84 [EPSG:3857] is selected.

Which is better to use?

good point, discard the sample project and follow the wiki, I’ll update the project to reflect wiki content asap…you sure deserve a prize :slight_smile:

fixed this one as well

Turns out this was a hardware problem. I had to replace the converter module twice, the third one was working like intended. Thanks for your tips anyway!!

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Alex, is it somewhere a description of bytes transmitted from air to ground for this protocol ?
I found this as attached


Frsky Passthrough Protocol - Sheet1.pdf (66.7 KB)

yes, thats the sheet I maintain on my drive.
Another excellemt source is the source code itself


I am trying the Yaapu script on a new setup.

  1. Horus X-10S Express.
  2. Latest OpenTx (2.3.15)
  3. R9 M 2019 (LBT) Module (Flashed to latest Flex.frk firmware)- connected to PixHawk via S-Bus.
  4. R9 Slim + OTA (Flashed to latest Flex.frk firmware)
  5. Yaapu widget 1.9.5

Serial 2 is used:

a) Serial2_Baud = 57
b) Serial 2_Protocol =10
c) Serial2_Options = 0
e) RSSI_Type = 3

Inside Horus

a) External module is enabled.

Channel range CH1 - CH16
Receiver No. 01

Upon radio power up it says Telemetry recovered.

The sensors are discovered but for some reason is not showing GPS count and says no telemetry… Inside Mission Planner I can see the GPS count but not inside the radio.

See screen Shots.

Any suggestions?
image2 (2)
image1 (3)
image0 (2)

thanks Alex
can you please send me the link for the source ?

Hi, how did you wire it?
Pixhawk does not have a built in inverter, are you using an external converter such as this one?

Or are you using a receiver with an univerted “sport” pad in which case you would need to wire it to the serial 2 TX pin setting serial2_options = 4

Hi Alex,

Yes I am using an inverter as you mentioned above. I have used your solution with X8R no problem and works fine.

Is this maybe related to R9 Slim + OTA receiver?

My wiring is as follows:

R9 Slim - S-Port connected to Yaapu Inverter (blue cable) and then Yaapu inverter to Serial 2 on PixHawk.

It does have inverted S-Port. Please check manual.

Hi, I don’t have that receiver, you’ll have to experiment yourself, I’d try serial 2 tx pin, serial options = 4 wired to the inverted s.port pin.
As a backup plan perhaps double check that your converter cable is working as I have had mixed results with many of them being faulty due to cheap ICs knockoffs

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Let me simply try to swap this receiver with X8R and see if it works. If it does then we know for sure its something else making it not work.

I will get back to you in few days.

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what version firmware on R9 Slim + OTA receiver ?

Hi Colin. I am trying to come up with a way to use RFD 900x TXmod with Frsky x20s. x20s does not have a JR slot. It has a nano slot/bay. There are some “adaptors” I could install over x20s nano bay to accept the JR slot-based module RFD 900x TXmod uses.

Are you saying that you used RFD 900x TXmod with Frsky x20s successfully? if so what adaptor did you use? Sorry if I misunderstood you.

Hi Alex,
I had a quick question. Did the JR module you ordered from ali express work for Frsky x20? what did you buy? I am debating between x12 and x20 and I use RFD 900X TXMod extensively with my JR radio
