A small VIO system using raspberry pi and arducam ov9281

@amilcarlucas just a quick update on the Xavier tests, I have performance issues with OpenCV releases building VINS-FUSION on the Jetpack 5.1. Best would be rolling back to previous Jetpack but I prefer resolving the conflicting package and that may take some time.

Hi, that’s interesting,

I’m planning to use RaspberryPi Global Shutter Camera (IMX296) and found two ways this can be achieved in the documentation


Hello @chobitsfan
Working with the OrangePI Zero 2w and an external triggererd USB OV9281 and I can get avg 6 HZ odometry signal. What is the speed of your configuration ?

Other question: Do you consume MOCAP signal ?
This is what I receive on Mavlink Inspector

Hello @ppoirier

Working with the OrangePI Zero 2w and an external triggererd USB OV9281 and I can get avg 6 HZ odometry signal. What is the speed of your configuration ?

10 hz on my pi 4, it is configured in VINS-Mono/config/chobits_config.yaml at 4cdd706fb65b4aafb0d8b70e6d3cf39b5ae7c75a ¡ chobitsfan/VINS-Mono ¡ GitHub

Do you consume MOCAP signal ?

I am sorry but I do not understand what you mean?

Hi @ppoirier & @chobitsfan

Thank you so much for the wonderful work. I really want to try something for the non-GPS flying using the PI camera facing downward. I think in this case I don’t need to change anything from the Ardupilot side. To fly indoor (without GPS), I need to calculate the ground drift velocity (x & y) and distance can be calculated via TF-mini.

Can you please point me in the direction of how can I do that? I want to know which library I should try to make it work like the other available optical flow sensors. As per I know there are many ways to calculate the drift velocity like using OpenCV, Optical flow, ROS, VIO and other. Which way would be good? I am really a new in this domain but trying my best to explore the things so sorry if I have written something wrong or my understanding is not correct.

And I think Ardupilot fuse the IMU and other data with the drifted velocity estimation to get the good estimate so I don’t have to write the code for that, just need to write the code for estimating the ground drift based on the pi camera data and then feeding it to the ardupilot.

Really looking forward to your valuable response. Thanks!

@chobitsfan looking at the MAvlink Inspector, the signal is ATT_POS_MOCAP
Using VISO we generally expect VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE but I know you did a lot of work with MOCAP, so I guess the signal is compatible and ready to be used as is without having to transform?

@scientist_bala can you open a new thread please ?
Your questions are interesting but not related to VINS_Mono

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Hi @ppoirier
Yes, ardupilot can process either ATT_POS_MOCAP or VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE.

@chobitsfan I would like some advice on connecting Semi-Direct Visual Odometry (SVO) with ArduPilot. For hardware, I am using a Jetson Orin Nano and an HQ 477 monocular camera. How can I achieve this?"

Hi @ppoirier and @chobitsfan . I’m planning on doing something similar with OpenVINS and the Luxonis OAK-D Wide camera. Unfortunately i’m having some latency issues, and would like your advice on the matter :

  • When using VISO what lattency would be too much lattency ?
  • What is the Imu frequency of the VIO system you’re using here ?
  • What is the frequency of the pose you’re obtaining on this setup ?
    Thank you very much.
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What is the Imu frequency of the VIO system you’re using here ?


What is the frequency of the pose you’re obtaining on this setup ?


Thanks @chobitsfan for your contributions.

I am doing a similar setup with OpenVINS.

Q1: I would like to know how you managed to install/build ros noetic on Bullseye. And, would ros noetic be installable on Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm?

Q2: How do you publish the camera images as a rostopic? Are you using a custom ros package to map between libcamera to ros?


I would like to know how you managed to install/build ros noetic on Bullseye.

Debian Upstream has it own porting of ROS

How do you publish the camera images as a rostopic?

see GitHub - chobitsfan/libcamera-apps at ros_img