30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

The Ground Unit had 7.7 V, the Air Battery 14.3 V.
After charging both, Ground Unit showed 8.3 V and the Air Battery 15.1 V
But still the same issue.
At the beginning of the new video is to see a blue LED and the correct Voltage of both Units.

This time, App, TX and MP not started. Sound comes from the ESC’s when not armed.

Thanks Frank. I’m still trying to figure out the best way to set up the ground station for long range missions. Currently the best solution I’ve found is connecting a Android tablet to the ground unit via Ethernet (USB c to Ethernet adapter). This allows QGC to get video stream and UDP mavlink data. However, two problems

  1. Since only gets UDP broadcast (according to the manual) I have to root the tablet to change the Ethernet IP address. Bit of a hassle

  2. the siyi fpv app crashes after 4 seconds displaying a message in Chinese when trying to run via this Ethernet to USB c adapter.

I want to use Ethernet over WiFi to minimize the interference in the ground unit. Does the video over internal WiFi put extra stress or cause interference with transmition on the ground unit? Is it ok to use that the whole time?

About the app message, please check if the Ethernet function in your tablet is enabled. Better disable LTE at the same time.

It is ok to use internal WiFi the whole time, it is on 2.4 GHz.

When the ground unit LED is red, the air unit voltage is too low.

Frank, can you clarify what kind of new “HM30 Dual Link Fly More Combo” kit you have for sale.
I see only one difference, this is the “Dual Link & Relay” module, but I did not find any description on this module.
HM30 Dual Link Combo

Hi Yury,

Thanks for your attention.

Sorry that we haven’t updated the information about the new combo to the community. I am working on the manual so that we present to everyone the full image when we are to release it.

The Dual Link combo works similar to MK15 Dual Remote Combo, welcome to refer to that part in MK15 user manual.
Chapter 3.9.

Besides, there is also an MK15 HM30 Dual Link Combo which allows you to use an MK15 ground unit and an HM30 unit with the same air unit.

Best regards,

At the early beginning, it showed on the Display 15.1 V.

Now even worse. Air Unit triple red blinks, Ground Unit solid red
I tried to bind, but it failed.
Air unit not connected to Flightcontroller, only to the Cam.
Battery 12.2 V direct connected to the Airunit.

Will now wait for the ordered Airunits.

May be there is an small error in Manual 1.2 (MK15 or HM30)

Is there a way to put a smaller camera in place of the default IP camera? Really having trouble fitting it into a plane without adding major drag. Are there any future plans to allow using a regular analog FPV camera?

Unfortunately the analog FPV camera won’t work with the HM30 link and SIYI does not have an FPV camera type model. But welcome to pay an attention and if we got one in the future, we will update about it asap.

I decided to accept the fact that there is no way to tuck the camera in nicely - then mounted it on a servo so I can at least look around with the giant thing :rofl::+1:

Hope one day you guys can build a air unit that gets video signal from regular fpv camera and then turns that into a rtsp stream. Would be cool. Because currently on smaller fuselages this camera is a bit large. But on big planes no problem.

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4 & 5 will be replied after checking with the team

Did you get a response from them on this Frank? Mainly interested in receiving the UDP broadcast on more than just If you guys are using mavproxy to forward the UDP data, you can use different commands to serve data to more than just 1 ip. Multicasting to every client on the network would be ideal imo :slight_smile: that way your user will never have to set their ip address manually

I took it for maiden flight today - all went well close range. Except there is a bug where both the ground unit and app display the flight mode wrong. See here: “RTLBy Wire A” this is because I switched to RTL from FlyBy Wire A but the entire text was not overwritten. Would be nice to fix that bug. Also the home arrow is not accurate - having a way to hide that entirely would be nice.

Is it possible to ask your team how to access this OSD data that is displayed over the video? I’m sure there is an API I can tap into. Please let me know


For me: I would like when you can realize that the Font size could be increased. In this Picture the Font is large enoughe, but with a 10" Tablet the Font size ist much to small.

Agreed :smiley: I’m an Android developer just let me fix your app it will take me a day and I won’t charge hahaha

It’s not my App, it’s our App.

I meant to Siyi, the company

I got the Recording HD Cam.
The recommended Program “PolyPlayer” or the Converter to .MP4 is not on the Download Page
as mentionned on the bag label.

Just uploaded all files to Google Drive for R1 Recording Camera. Kindly have a check.

I downloaded these files.
In order not to make something wrong, could you explain what to do with this 3 files?

  • Text File
  • .bin File
  • Installer (may be converter to MP4?)