30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

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A great machine, thanks for posting. Good luck.

hi, I have a 5.1-5.9GHz 23dB patch with very good characteristics, what if I connect it to one output of the ground module, and the second output is not involved, what’s wrong with that?

It is ok to connect just one antenna in this case

@lorbass FYI, the R1 Recording Camera will support converter recorded video from H265 to MP4 automatically on restart after updating to firmware v0.1.7.

@SIYI Hi Frank,
Thank you for thinking about me.
I downloaded the two files and copied them on a 16 GB Microcard.
The Ground- and Airstation didn’t connect again, but after binding them it connected.
After a while (some minutes) the Camsight was to see on the Tablet with the FPV App.
I switched the power Off and checked the Memorycard with the PC. The two files for the Upgrade where gone, an no Video recorded.
The two sliders in the FPV App, section Foto don’t work.
The Airunit was not connected to a Flightcontroller and no RC Signal connected to the Groundunit.
What did I wrong or has the record to start somewhere?

Thanks for your feedback.

The two files were gone means that the update was successful.

So the problem now is that you cannot start recording with R1 camera in SIYI FPV app, right? What is the app version?

Correct, FPV App Version V2.5.300.df356be

How about using the .393 app for ZR10 gimbal camera? You can also confirm your firmware update in the new app.

It works great with the .393.
But the error was probably the wrong IP Adresse I used.
I used the rtsp://… Adresse instead the FPV Adresse as marked on the label.
The image was to see but not the communication.
Thanks for helping.

In .393 app you can use SIYI Camera 1 (.25) or 2 (.26) for the R1 camera instead of inputing its RTSP addresses. Welcome to have a try.

When I changed the IP Adress by the long numberchain after pressing OK it
displayed SIYI Camera 1.
I tested also the HDMI Converter with the .393 App. There is a little confusion in the
App. It shows also the name “R1 Camera” may be because of the same IP Adresse.
By the way: Which Format does the recording HDMI Converter record?
For me not important, but my be for others. Or can it be changed by the same FW Upgrade as R1 Cam :face_with_monocle:

Yes, camera 1 and 2 are defined by .25 and .26 IP addresses.
The R1 camera records in H265 just like ZR10 camera.

May be my question was not clear.
I asked if the Recording Format of the Recording HDMI Converter could be upgraded to .MP4 by
the same two Upgrade Files.

May be my question was not clear.
I asked if the Recording Format of the Recording HDMI Converter could be upgraded to .MP4 by
the same 2 Upgrade Files.

Yes, the recording HDMI converter can be upgraded by TF card as well.

By the same two Files as the R1?

Yes, the same files. They share the same firmware

Thank you for the quick and competent answers.

I have HM30 transmitter and receiver. I have connected it with Z10 Camera it is giving video streaming. However, I can’t control gimbal through app kindly assist me how I can control gimbal with siyi app