30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

Thanks for asking, Risto.
The cause of the triple red LED blinks was a faulty flash chip model. The faulty chips cannot be tested out during functional tests and QC process at that time. So we stopped buying from that chip supplier immediately. And then added a new process specially for the flash chips.

This little faulty indeed brought us a lot troubles.

However, if the system does not blink triple red, then please feel free to use it. I don’t think we still have stock of finished products with that chip by end of Feb. @Jim_C 's system was shipped out on Feb 17 and it is the late one reported with the issue.

I there a way to identify the faulty chip batch? Would you have a chip marking to look out for?

Not sure if time has anything to do with it but for me, even though our calendar days are roughly the same, I didn’t have much hourly time on the package. Due to various delays I had maybe a couple hours max before air unit failure then an additional couple hours max on ground unit. So, at old man piddling around pace, pretty quick time-wise.


sorry I know I asked, but is it approved fcc with what antennas? do you have a combo fcc approval like a high gain antenna with this hm30? or is it fcc approved with the standard antenna? also what range do u typical reach with the standard antenna?

FCC is approved with standard antenna.

10+ kilometers with enough flight height

I am talking at 100 m height. What range do you get? Also what range is enough for 10km?

There are several range test videos from ArxangelRC, hope they can help you learn how the unit performs and its potential.
SIYI HM30 Full HD FPV System - initial range testing! - YouTube (5 km)
SIYI HM30 HD FPV - 18kms are child's play!!! - YouTube (18 km)
SIYI HM30 HD FPV System - 21kms and counting! - YouTube (21 km)

I know arxangelrc, i spoke with him before, but from his videos i can see that your radio at 100 m alt can’t get more than 1 km range, is that true?

here’s one at roughly 125m roughly 3.2km out before he came back. that was his first shot at it.


Thanks, appreciated!

Hello, I’m in the store
Official Store bought a set of HD link, the order was made on 08.12.2021, at first the system worked correctly, the connection was going on and all the indicators were normal, after a while the ground unit began to change the indication from blue to red and this began to happen more and more often. Now the connection is happening, but the ice on the ground block does not light up blue… This system did not even fly on an airplane, all the changes occurred in the system that was lying on the table. Unfortunately, I was unable to update the firmware, it is not very clear why there are such difficulties with installing drivers вывод - YouTube

how the recover the ipcam password


do not work ipcam , where is the problem

There are different possibilities to connect the smartphone/tablet to HM30 Ground Unit.
How did you connect yours?

Video Mode > WiFi/Upgrade.
Datalink mode > Blue

Did you paire HM30 at your Phone and selected there WLAN SIYI-6A02223424
as below?

Also try 144.25 as IP address is camera1. 144.26 is for camera2

Yes, I chose WLAN SIYI-6A02223424 and I chose ip 144.25 And still does not work

Can you open the camera page in a brouwser in the network?

I cannot pass the password I lost ,how the recover password