30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

Sorry to contradict.
In the meantime I surched for PPM Infos and the learned:
The limit of 8 for PPM was a verry old standard. Already 2016 was explained why
the Frame Length was changed because Transmitter could send up to 32 Channels.
And Taranis can out more than 8 as demonstrated in the pic.

And also in the meantime I tested the S-Bus Input for RC and it works for more than 8.
For this I used the Transmitter with the HF Out to send to the X8R Receiver near the Ground Unit.
The S-Bus Out of the Receiver then is connected to the RC Input of the HM30 GU.

But as earlier reported, this works not for me. Already at 200 m Distance, it produced many connection loss, may be due to the interference with the Transmitter where the Power can’t be reduced.

I surched in the Net for PPM to S-Bus converter, but without succes. Do you know if this exist or do
I have to develope it with Arduino, to “repair” the old-fashioned PPM Input at HM30? :anguished:

@SIYI I see that HM30 Google Drive has received a HM30 user manual update to version 1.3, but at the same time, all the firmware and app updates were removed?
Cannot find them anymore on: HM30 - Google Drive

How did you connect your transmitter to the Ground Unit?
(Cable, PPM, S-Bus, )?

The firmware now exists in one link and in one link only.
It is the link that is written in the manual.
The three models share the same firmware pack: MK15, MK15E, HM30. Many portals may confuse customers if the update did not sync.

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Thanks Frank, so which are the latest versions for the ground and air unit. My current ground unit version is 0.1.7 and the air is 5. Something I think :thinking:

HM30 Ground Unit v0.1.7 is the latest
The air unit can go to v5.2.5. If it is v5.2.4, it is also fine.

When will the firmware appear, in which it will be possible to bind two or more air units to one ground unit? Currently, after binding the second unit, the first one bind is reset.

Many thanks Frank for your prompt reply :+1:

Hi Denis, with the latest firmware, you can bind to max 8 air units and save channel data. Welcome to have a try.
By the way, what is your current firmware version?

I use version 0.1.7 on HM30 Ground Unit.

@TrueMuMa @Tony_B
I just found the new update for you and everyone else.

Update log

HM30 Ground Unit RF Firmware 0.1.8

  1. New feature: Now one HM30 ground unit can bind to multiple air units (max 8) and save model data.
  2. New feature: Dual link and RC relay (coming with HM30 Dual Link combo only).
  3. New feature: PWM channel settings (the PWM channels can be mapped to any of the existing 16 communication channels)


Thanks Frank! Been waiting for this update for a long time. I also wanted to know, when the OSD element size setting will appear in the SIYI FPV application? Many users are waiting for this, because they are uncomfortable flying with small OSD elements in the current version of the application.

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Does not help alot. As discussed some post above, with PPM at the RC Input of the Groundunit
only 8 Channels are possible.
This lack is not declared in the specs and should be repaired soon.
The most Transmitter sends PPM via the Trainer Port and not S-Bus

Thanks, the tech details have been delivered to the team. I’ll push and update as soon as there is a response.

Your transmitter is X9D, right? I think it has S.Bus out directly from the transmitter.

I’m currently watching video from the Lan port via the GU-HDMI unit on the DJI Goggles RE,
But at the same time I want to watch the video from the WIFI of the HM30 ground unit, is that okay?
Now, even if I connect like that, I can see or not see the image from WIFI. Alternatively, the display of the ground unit may blink yellow.
Should I stop the simultaneous connection after all?

I am also very happy to have this feature added.
I am planning to purchase another receiver unit immediately, but as I asked last time, can I use the receiver for MK15?
Also, if it can be used, are there any disadvantages? (For example, the communication distance is short)

Yes, you can.
If there is any abnormal situation, please show us the situation in video.

Yes, you can.
MK15 air unit comes with integrated BEC. HM30 air unit comes with no BEC.

I found no Info in the manual and in the menu of TX about S-Bus Out. Do you have more infos?
Would help also many others, X9D is verry commen.

FrSky X9D: