30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

Hi Frank - what was changed in the new air unit HDMI converter about the technical data/specifications? Thanks!

The connect is still Mini HDMI. And the HDMI cable is the same.

No change to specs, same as the default specs in the old HDMI converter.

In the Shop the old one had Micro as here to see:


Oh, thanks for the tip.
I’m not sure if there was a wrong description in the picture or I had a wrong memory. Anyway on the new air unit HDMI converter it is Mini HDMI port.

Thanks for clearing. So I need an adapter Micro (Gopro3) to Mini (Converter)

@SIYI Frank, is this how it was designed?

On the front of the Antennas you can read “Top” and a flesh.
I assume if the flesh shows top :arrow_up: it is OK. :wink:

I guess you mean an “arrow” (flesh = meat)

:+1: Top with arrow is up indeed.
Was wondering if I would take them more apart with extension cables

Ups, correct, arrow. Something confused with flèche which mean arrow in french. :anguished:

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Yes, as long as the antenna panel always points to your drone/plane

@SIYI Hi Frank

I’m using the GU HDMI OUT and the language setting for the on board Adroid is Chinees!? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I have used a picture translator on my phone to translate but I cannot find the change the default language settings!

Where can I find it?

Edit: Sorry, I found it (took me quite some time) but this is kind of stupid! Why not standard in English?

Careful. It’s not stupid if it’s made by a Chinese tech company, and they use their own language. But the language button should probably be labeled in multiple languages once the product is brought to bear in foreign markets.

Sorry, during production they operate in only Chinese. Let me put this part in the manual.

It’s just a complaint, but the GU-HDMI converter I ordered from Ail.ex. in the middle of last month hasn’t arrived at all. > <
Is it the influence of the Chinese Corona Virus? Or is it the effect of the Russian war?

Would you mind sending me the order details, please? I’ll help check.
Was the order placed to an SIYI seller or to SIYI directly?

What could be the (theroretical) distance between operator and drone

The used communication between operator and drone (Ground Unit and Air Unit) requires Line of Site (LOS) between the two to operate BVLOS.

Because the earth is round, at some point there is no LOS anymore.
To keep this LOS, either the drone must fly higher and/or the antenna of the GU must be placed higher.
In the following image:

where LOS is Line of Site
ha = height of antenna (operator)
ad = altitude of drone
d = distance between operator (antenna) and drone
rh and ra is the radius earth for antenna and drone (6.378.000 m)

There are various mathematical formulas to do the calculations exactly but roughly after around 5.000m the drone will fly lower seen from the operator and eventually will disappear behind the horizon.

So the big question, what would be max d(istance) with this setup?

A given is for the EU that the drone cannot fly higher than 120m AGL.
From the operator’s perspective (LOS), the drone starts to fly lower after 5km.
After 10 km, the drone will fly 8 meters lower, after 18 km 25 meters and after 38 km the drone has dropped 115 meters so basically no LOS for some time because there will be vegetation in between as well. Atmospheric circumstances will have a big influence on the distance of radio waves so, again theoretically, 20-25Km distance for LOS operations are more realistic, not? To fly further, one have to place the antenna higher.

You forgot the mountains. Here after 2 km the Drone will disapear from the Horizon. :raised_back_of_hand:

You are right, amongst others, true :+1: