30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

Hope it works as well for you. Problem w/the plane I have it in for testing is I can’t fit a very large battery in for range tests. Those will have to wait until I get a larger platform together.

I notice that the Fly app shows altitude in meters MSL. Hope there’s a setting to make it show AGL …
[edit] Thinking about it some more, it may be the flight controller reporting the altitude as MSL. Will have to check…

Relativ Altitude is available in Ardu.

There is another wrong indication.
When selecting kmh for Ground Speed, also Elevation Speed is in kmh. Here is still m/s usual or
feet per minute.

Please not to forget for the next release:

  • Battery Capacity remains always at 100%
  • A lot of room to enlarge the tiny Font for OSD on tablets. :wave:

@Siyi Does R1 recording camera have an upper limit of the supported microSD card size? If so, how big card can be used? Also, what file system formats are supported (FAT32, exFAT, ext3, ext4, btrfs)? Thanks!

My 64 GB Card didn’t work, the 32 GB is OK.

This could possibly be the case due to unsupported file system on your 64GB card and not due to card size. Typically larger than 32GB cards come with exFAT formatted and also Microsoft Windows OS does not support formatting FAT32 by default for larger than 32 GB cards/partitions. Whereas this is NOT a limitation of the FAT32 file system, that supports up to 2 TB partitions with a maximum single file size of 4 GB. It is possible to format these under e.g. Linux or MacOS or even under Windows using alternative tools. As R1 does not run Windows, it might very well use the same FAT file system driver as Linux does, thus support for bigger memories is possible - let’s see what Frank says.

Did an auto mission then flew some loops/rolls to see if the signal would drop any (it held steady)
Picture of my setup was taken during the mission

He alreadysaid, here:

1 Like

Anyone try using the hm30 with circular polarization antenna?
What is the maximum range can we get?

Yes, it works also. Thank you for this help.
I had to set the USB Konfiguration in Android 8 as followed:

  • Setup
    – System
    — Developer Options
    ----- USB Konfiguration -----> RNDIS (USB-Ethernet)

WiFi disabled to eliminate interferences (I’m not shure if necesarry)
I use the Lenovo USB-C to Ethernet Adapter. P/N 4X90S91831

Congrats lorbass!

I have Developer options on also so may have done that. I really don’t remember.

hello everyone right now i use HM30 with Matek f765 and using UDP connection to Mission planner. but after type port 19856, the parameter still loading and can’t get any parameter, although i config serial1 to mavlink1 baud rate 57600.

I had a look at D1 and D2 lines of HM30 air unit with a logic analyzer:

D1 is controlled by channel 15 and D2 controlled by channel 16.
The channels work independently, but otherwise identical. I was able to identify only 3 discreet PWM outputs. PWM frequency is 100 Hz (10ms period). If the input signal is less than 1448µs, no pulse is output (0% duty cycle), between 1448µs (incl.) and 1551µs D1 and D2 lines output 1.25ms positive pulse (12.5% duty cycle) and for input greater than or equal to 1552µs, a 2.5ms (25%) pulse is output.

Here a Saleae logic analyzer trace showing D1 with 12.5% and D2 with 25% output:

Hello Mike,
Yes, it works verry well. No more freezed video partitions. Thank you for this hint.
@SIYI It seems WiFi is not a good option for the video link.
And USB connection doesn’t work with 4 different Tablets.

I tested it until 1.5 km with the small patch antennas. With a copter a longer range is not possible due to high current consumation. But this was a system test only, will change to a VTOL later.

Hi @SIYI I’ve conducted another range test on a clear sunny day, with low wind and low humidity. I’ve documented the entire flight and screen recorded + filmed the plane in action.

In 40km mode, as you remember my last range test went 22.6km before losing connection at an altitude of roughly 150m. Today, it managed to go only 20.3km at an altitude of 250+ m.

Please see the long and detailed video below. All details are explained and can be seen from the video, including analysis of the RSSI readings from the log after the flight.

Here is a photo of the RSSI over the course of the flight from the logs. RTL mode was engaged at around 20.3km from home, according to the siyi fpv app.

Below are some photos of the setup for your enjoyment

Please advise how I can get higher gain antennas for use with the ground unit. As mentioned before, the target is to reach 35km at least and 40km ideally for my purpose. Thanks

Did you investigate a bit if there is 4G connection on your 40km route? If there is maybe it is better using 4G than HM30.



Didn’t get a chance to do the long range tests yet but so far it works just fine wo/any interruptions on a 3 mi , 45 min flight. Only nit right now is I’m not getting the telemetry info at the bottom. Most likely due to my getting a connection wrong when I put it in a Talon Pro w/a different flight controller (today was the Talon’s maiden) . I think I can get access to a long range test site in a few weeks to really stress test the system - hope so!

Is that possible to use 5.8ghz wifi amplifier?
if it work please let me know.

I would like to use my Gopro 3 Cam and its Gimbal with HDMI Output .
How longer is the Latency with the original HDMI to Ethernet Converter?
I can’t find any details about it in your home page.

Here a user is testing the HDMI input converter box (see from 34:45 mark):

(one can try YouTube translate function with the CC, works usable for understanding what the guy in the video is saying)

He also tested the GU HDMI out box, this had apparently much less latency than the HDMI input box. There is possibly a faster 3rd party option for the HDMI to Ethernet converter: https://www.exvist.com/products/h265-1080p-60fps-mini-hdmi-video-encoder