30KM 1080p 60fps 150ms - SIYI HM30 Full HD Digital Video Link Telemetry Radio System

Hey guys- When dealing with Chinese companies it is really important to remember that the end of January to the 2nd week of February- the entire country goes on Holiday. During this period you can expect no responses as they are all gone. Also-because of being gone for so long there will be a huge backlog of stuff to get done and typically support is lower priority than making money. Give them until March to get back to full speed. =)



I have an issue with the HM30, it just stopped working one day.

Right now on the air unit, the FPV status indicator is fixed red or yellow, link status indicator is off and RF status indicator is blinking red 3 times then pause then blinking 3 times

I had a similar issue. But I guess it was my fault. One time I made a inverse polarity of the power supply
for the air unit. After that it worked again. But later forgott to assemble one antenne stick.
Here the connection process after that with left top the Battery indication, left down the Airunit and
right the Ground Unit.
Ordered another Airunit, and it works again.

First Testflight with HM30, Stick Antennas, 5 km Range and Recording Camera Altitude 40m (130 feet)
Here the File of the Recording Cam:
This can be played with the recommended App PotPlayer only.

And here the video recorded with a screen recorder when playing the PotPlayer with that File.

Two Results:

  • Range 1000 m until the download Video frozen.
  • Recorded Video from the cam verry bad quatlity or the Player for this format not useful.

A same second Testflight with the small Patch Antennas allowed a Distance to Home of 1450 m
until the Video frozen.
In both flights the TX commands and the Telemetry worked, happily.

Thanks for your reply,

On my side, I did not touch anything, maybe it’s my 12v 5A BEC which failed for a short time.
I already ordered a new one and will send the old one to Siyi

Interestingly, Google Drive recognized the .264 file and can play it within a web browser.

I downloaded the file and used ffmpeg to convert it with the following command:
ffmpeg -probesize 10M -i siyi_005.264 -c copy siyi_005.mp4

The output is playable on other media players but seems to contain a few artifacts that aren’t present in the original. I’m not well enough versed in ffmpeg to determine the reason.

Counterintuitively, I get a better result when re-encoding with x264 like this:
x264 siyi_005.264 -o siyi_005.mp4

All of this can be done for free using Linux or WSL, and you can install the required packages from the command line on a Debian based distribution like so:
sudo apt install ffmpeg x264

@Yuri_Rage Yes interesting.
Was the quality after your conversion OK or where the same ugly scenes?

I use Windos as OS and have no experience with Linux.

But there is another bad characteristic of the SIYI Cam. @SIYI
The image is heavily distorted. The street down is straight.
May be due to the large lense angle. Perhaps useful for Racing, but
NOT for FPV with Postprocessing and posting on Social Media.

So I will use another cam for this like Gopro or Fimi Palm.

@lorbass, using the x264 method, the video was very good - I saw no additional artifacts after encoding. I did the encoding on Windows 11 under WSL2. If you do an Internet search for WSL2, it’s very easy to enable (it’s a Windows component), and I gave you all the commands needed in the post above once you have a terminal available.

Thanks for help, Your info motivates me to try it.
Just had a look here: Run Linux GUI apps with WSL | Microsoft Learn
But seems to need Windows 11
You will need to be on Windows 11 Build 22000 or higher to access this feature.

I use still Win 10, I’m careful with upgrades. 2 bugs solved, 3 built-in.(Remember Win Vista, Win8 where flops.)
Are you happy with?

I’m happy with Windows 11, but you don’t need to upgrade to use WSL2. And you don’t need the additional complexity required to run GUI apps. This is all command line.

Hello Frank
I am Japanese
I have a question
(1) The instruction manual states that siyifpy on wifi and QGC by Bluetooth should not be used at the same time.
I really want to check the QGC data while looking at the image.
Is it NG to use wifi and bluetooth at the same time?
(2) The cost of Siyi’s LAN → HDMI converter is very expensive.
Is it possible to substitute a commercial product such as that sold by ail etc.?
(Are there any recommended devices?)
③ Currently, I am using a personal computer (Windows machine) from the ground station via LAN or USB.
I want to watch the video from the camera in real time, but it doesn’t work
I don’t think it takes so many steps, but if you like, please explain in detail how to do it.
Is it possible to do the same on an android tablet?
(③ is a method to avoid using wifi and bluetooth at the same time)

Where in the manual dit you read this?
I used this:

I tried a cheap one. But unusable Latency.

I tried this also. It dit not work or I did it wrong. In the EasyPlayer is nowhere a field to input the Ip Nr.
Only fieles can be played. Whould like to get more detailed Infos also.

Thanks for the reply.
About ①
It is described in 2.2.1-3 of the manual.
”3. It is also suggested not to run SIYI FPV and QGroundControl at the same
time, not even running one at backstage, as it still occupies bandwidth thereby
lower the communication range. ”
Still, I’m very happy if there is no problem using them at the same time.
② It’s a shame.
After all, what you can use is made by Siyi.
③ I will do my best to take on the challenge, and if you know, please give me new information.

I use MissionPlanner with Bluetooth and WiFi with a Tablet for the Video.
WiFi in the MP Tablet disabled!
Tested already with 2 Flights. Stick Antennas max 1km, small Patch Antennas max. 1.4 km until freezing Video. See post 172

The USB did not work for the Videolink with my Tablet.

Thank you for your reply.
That information is very useful.
By the way, when using wifi and Bluetooth together and using wifi alone, does the range of radio waves become longer when using wifi alone?
In the 172 report, the distance was 1km, but is there a longer range of radio waves with wifi alone?

So far only 2 tests made. 1km with stick Antennas, 1.4 km with the small Patch Antennas.
Will make tests later with MissionPlanner from USB via Cable. But waiting after bad Wether period
of some Days.

I asked this in RCGroups, but did not get an answer there, so I try here once more - the channel control input to HM30 ground unit can be according to docs S.BUS, PPM, or UART. S.BUS and PPM are clear, but is there further information about the UART mode?

What I am especially looking for, are:
a) UART baudrate/settings expected, and
b) protocol description (how to encode the channel data via UART - as int8, uint8, int16, uint16, smth. else, by multibyte - the endianness expected)? Required header, footer and/or checksum?


Create your own S-Bus Output when you are working with Microprocessors.
Here the Specification:

Thank you @lorbass for your reply. I am aware of how PPM and S.BUS protocols work (and that S.BUS basically is a serial stream at 100.000 baud 8N2, although inverted UART. Have done some tinkering with the radios and their internals, see: Risto's blog - RC Groups).

As the Siyi HM30 docu lists also a third input option UART for the RC port, I am curious if @SIYI could shed some light on how to use it.

Here the page from the user manual in question:

I have a further question about the antennas on the ground and the air unit. Does HM30 have diversity or is one antenna used for receive and the other for transmit?

I’v seen i a YT Video someone with a Tracker and HM30. One Antenna was a large Patch the other
a Stick. Would mean that’s Diversity. Else one direction would disconnect with a large distance.