17 inch quad, cube black, weird yaw and throttle behavior

There will be changes as a result of greater thrust lower motor RPM but starting with the Initial Parameters Setup is the 1st step. It will effect the Rate PID values and motor hover thrust.
What is the take-off weight of this craft with that battery?

The takeoff weight is 2.5kg (5.5 lb). I a bit worried that such low rpm at hover (about 3000) would be to little to give the drone room to compensate with motor thrust.

Tarot makes 17" folding props.

yeah, I’ve seen those. The thing is that I have a set of 18 inch once and I don’t want to spend money if I don’t have too. I have a more important project coming up that needs the money.

If I test with 18 inch propellers, and the motor wont get hot after 30 min of hover. Do you think that I could use them?

!!off course I won’t blame you if I mess up by switching props and break something!!
(I would not be surprised if you’ve gotten blamed before regarding how much you help here)

Yes, I think so. A quick run thru eCalc doesn’t raise any red flags. Review this again:

Setting Motor range

Thanks! I’ll set up the vehicle to use 18 inch propellers and try to conduct a test-flight during the weekend.

By the way, this topic has evolved into much more than just sorting out a yaw and throttle issue.

It’s more about setup and experiments on my craft now. Should I create a new topic akd link it here so that this one stays more relater to the yaw issue?


Yes, if you think a new topic is needed. I agree this titled one was tapped out a long time ago.

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The new topic:

We can continue the discussion here!