January 9, 2023, 1:38pm
Keep releasing new stuff and forget about customers with problems that are not solved…I wonder what bug will this one have that is not going to be solved once again.
I have found a crude fix. The main problem is more the camera case corner than the back plate. take off the camera back plate ( the camera PCB is held in place by the back carefull it is loose also dont let any dust in) file all four corners as in pic_1 & Pic_2
then re fit the filed plate then take off the case corners until it misses the yaw arm one file at a time until you get it right. Pic_4 is how I tested it works before modifying the back plate
Hi Frank.
I have the same problem as Anton. I use the camera control via the UART port from the flight controller.
For example, I set the zoom to S1 on my TX16, and when I start zooming - it stops at about half of its strength (about as Anton described - about 5x zoom) and does not increase further. In order to continue the zoom - I have to put S1 in the center position and put it back to the maximum value. You also have to do the same when you reduce the zoom.
But the main problem in all thi…