ZR10 2K QHD 30X Hybrid Zoom Gimbal Camera - SIYI's first industry gimbal camera and it won't be the last

Hi, could you please share the firmware versions that you mentioned in the post? I am having problems on a newer version and would like to roll back.

What was the exact command you were using?

@SIYI we have tried updating the firmware as instructed by your support team. We have followed all the instructions accurately as given by the support team. Still the camera shows RED-RED-YELLOW LEDs.
Even tried with 5 different SD cards (formatted to FAT32 format).

However, the only reply I get from the support team every time is that I should retry the firmware update process.

I hope some solid solution is found soon.

Hi @SIYI , after I use latest gimball SW and connect Mavlink I have a gimball dismiss +3-4 deg in pitch axis.
90 deg of camera actually is 93-94 deg.
If I disconnect FC- it’s ok, 90 deg=90
When I make wrong calibration of FC (leveling copter fo 4 deg back/nose up) then in Loiter (copter show +4 deg frame pitch) - gimball began work well.
It looks like you have error in Mavlink decoding/ calculating.

Here it is: Siyi - Google Drive
I made a typo in my message there. Gimbal fw was v0.2.8 not v0.2.7.
I don’t know if it still helps but I will keep it there for 30 days.

I used the command with id 0x05 from the manual for ZR10. I have already found a solution in another forum thread. Now I use the command with id 0x18 from ZT30 manual to get the current zoom value. Please update the manual for ZR10, because currently the protocol described in it does not correspond to reality. In addition to the “Manual zoom” command (0x05), the “Autofocus” command (0x04) is incorrectly described because it has two additional parameters in its body.

I’ve already found another solution to my problem, but thanks a lot anyway!

Does anyone here have any experience flying this camera on a fixed wing platform and using the “Point Camera Here” function in Mission Planner? I’m getting some slightly strange results.

Which is the best SD card to be used to record video on ZR10 camera.

ZR10 Update Log

SIYI FPV Update Log


FAT32 Format, at most 128G


I’ve observed a couple of new issues:

  1. During manual zoom autofocus happens during the zoom process, while in absolute zoom autofocus happens after zoom is completed.

  2. The focus varies when zooming both absolutely and manually.
    When set to zoom level 1, it’s reading as 1.3. Which means the absolute zoom is very inaccurate.

Can we expect those issues to be addressed in the near future?

Hi @SIYI, latest available User Manual v1.4 does not reflect updates to SDK made in the last firmware like configuring bitrate, etc. Can you please share information on those new SDK commands?

@SIYI am I correct in my understanding that there is still no absolute focus capability, i.e., set focus to 5m from lens?

@SIYI Hi Frank.
Thank you for following up with questions and reported problems.
I have a question related to the “IO” pin of ZR10 ethernet connector. What is it used for?
Is there any way to get CVBS signal though it? (Like getting CVBS signal from SIYI A8)

Hi Mike,

This IO is reserved.

At this moment, there are two SIYI gimbals which support CVBS signal output, A8 mini and ZT6.

Hi! I looked through gimbal documentation and found no commands to change bit rate of the camera through SDK(0.3.1 camera firware), could you please point me to those commands?

You can refer to ZT6 user manual first. The ZR10 manual has not yet been up to date.

Did you found the solution of getting red red yellow led status on ZR10 after upgrade?

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@SIYI I’m getting red red yellow led status after I tried upgrading my ZR 10 camera firmware.
and now the Siyi Assistant software shows version as 0.0.0.
I tried upgrading procedure 6-7 times as given in manual and shown in video and also used different memory cards by first formatting them in FAT32 format.
I used 16gb and 32gb cards
Can you help with this problem.

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