Z Axis Vibrations

Hey Cornel all good questions. So this mount is already on the machine. I put it on the machine this past weekend and saw the huge drop in X and Z axis vibrations.
This updated design gives me the opportunity to benefit from the lead and the through hole dampers as well.

Before o-rings

After O-rings

When assembled there is lots of room between the flight controller and the pylons.

I am also formulating an experiment to see if the cause of the vibes is what I think it is.
Last comment, regarding heavy maneuvering. This is a 1meter quad. Not sure there is a lot of heavy maneuvering to be done with it. lol

no Dave it is just the t motor 20 amp normal esc’s

OK, then FFT would be the best option :slight_smile:

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thank you it was flying ok today but all this tinkering I love keeps me lonely brain cell working lol

The ESCs that come with the hexsoon kit work… But we’ve been throwing them and using the Holybro 4in1 Tekko32 45A BLHELI - no problems at all, saves some weight too. Although you need another BEC or powerbrick for the FC if you also remove the PDB that comes with the kit.
You can use DSHOT and ESC telemtry - worth it in my opinion.

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Will put the Tecko 45amp 4 in one on my shopping list along with some new batteries and thank you Shawn

Throwing out ideas, maybe check for this? It gave me z vibes

I used to use a vibration mount, I got rid of it. Looking at the IMU accel data, looked like all it did was cause a high freq shake into a wobble. I’m not sure how to scientifically describe it but I thought of it like waves in a pool bouncing off each other and affecting the wave. The mount was like having it in the pool with 2nd, 3rd etc waves being added. I tackled the sources of the vibration which was the bell housing, the props themselves do seem to vibrate slightly (from being shaped imperfectly cutting through the wind). Then there’s the weight, which I found that I had to have them absolutely perfectly balanced. I ended up putting them in the balancer both ways, then unmount, remount and verifiy (sometimes it must have been in the balancer just a miniscule differently). When I lowered vibes at the props with a little sanding of the shape, perfectly balanced as I could, bell housing with no free play, and stiffened my frame with a few additional braces, I saw my vibes drop to a comfortable level and I didn’t need the vibration mount on the flight controller. Also make sure wires aren’t able to vibrate, and antennas can do that too. I had to brace my antenna, was adding to the vibrations.

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Thank you very much for your input.
This is all great information that I will take on board.

I confess however after sleeping on the issue I woke up puzzled and I will explain why.
Moving to the O-ring dampener has reduced the vibrations on the X and Z by 82% and 75% respectively. This is outstanding, however Y axis has increased 103%. This seems illogical. I would have thought all axis would have benefitted from the new mount and VibeY would have seen a reduction of similar value. The mean on VibeY should be around 2.10 or thereabouts. It’s not it went up greatly. I then started thinking about a comment earlier someone mentioned about air blowing on wires and got to thinking. I would if with the change of FC mount I have introduced some wiring stress. I didn’t really give that a good check after buttoning up the machine to fly.
I will give that a good going over beforehand. I don’t’ want to go to the effort of changing the FC mount if all I did was added to much tension to a cable.


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One of the best frames i made that had little or no vibrations was made of MDF Utra light weight wood. LOL. The wood use for cabinets and sound systems absorbed anything like a black hole.


it certainly could absorb vibrations unfortunately I broke the one I got from you had just about got it 100% when the crashie gods decided they no longer love me or cindy my frame lol

Should of glued it back together like the plane guys do but yea they where cool.

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it would have been easier using matchsticks to repair it brandon I was so so sad when it happened

I got to get back on my machine, I print you a new one but no crashing next time :slight_smile:

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thank you but cannot guarantee the no crashing but will try my hardest

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Marty and crashing…lol…sounds like a match made in heaven. Like me and Z axis vibrations hahahahahaha

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Good morning all.
So today I pulled the canopy. Couple things I wanted to do. The most important being was to see if any cables to the FC where in fact to tight. Turns out there where none that where tight. However I did find that the USB cable would easily impact the side of the canopy and since it’s on the Y axis side I made a change to it. I think I am going to try the machine again with this change made before I make more changes to the mounting system @mboland seems to have great luck with the Pixracer mounted with O-Rings and nothing more so I will try this first.

The other thing I did was wrapped the receiver in EMI shielding and copper foil and then tied it to ground. I have noticed that since changing radio systems the GPS capture time is terrible. More then 10 minutes on cold start and that’s just awful. I have seen that before with hardware generating RFI and so I shielded the RX. EMI tape and then copper foil that’s tied to ground.
Will see if this helps with that issue.

Also pulled each arm off and inspected the locking mechanism to see if anything was loose. Found one screw that was in need of tightening all others are fine.

Those are all my observations today. I won’t get air borne now till Sunday so will let yo all know how it goes after that.
Fingers crossed it was the cable against the canopy.


Worst offenders to GPS signal quality I’ve encountered:

  • cheap 433 MHz telemetry radios… some junky chinese HM-TRP copies advertising 500mW
  • plastic canopies over plastic-enclosed GPS
  • secondary GPS antenna.
  • close-by LiPo packs
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Hey Cornell. Hope all is well with you.
No 433 MHZ radio, in fact I dont’ think they are even legal here is Canada. None the less no radio.
I have a plastic canopy but I also had no issues before. But you make an interesting point. I will test that tomorrow just to be safe.
No secondary GPS.
But the Lipo pack is close by. Not much I can do about that.
The poor performance didn’t start till I changed the receiver. I just checked the old receiver and I had shielded it when it was put on the machine originally.

One item for your list.
4 In 1 esc. I have had issues with them causing GPS issues.

But now you have me thinking. So tomorrow I will do a test of the GPS now that the receiver is shielded. IF the performance is just as bad I might pull the canopy to see if thats the problem. It shouldn’t be but ya never know.

Thanks for the suggestions.

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You’re right. They aren’t legal here but for some reason I have come across a bunch of them in the last year. And they’ve been junk.

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I stopped using telemetry radios a few years ago.
My transmitter has telemetry built in so I stopped.

Just checked my GPS to see what it’s capture rate is now that I shielded the receiver and in 30 seconds I had 6 GPS and in less then a minute I was ready to fly.
So shielding was the thing it needed, like the other receiver.
This receiver has HD video embedded and so it’s processing a lot and has a serious processor on board so it generates RF interference. So that’s another problem down.

The upside also is that the canopy is not a problem. wa hoooo