That’s interesting. I did try to compare RPM to vibration increase and thought perhaps I had found one. But when looking further what I found was an increase in vibrations with in increase in motion. So the faster the drone moved the higher the vibration.
As for prop tracking. I assume you mean say one tip of the prop is high and the other low sort of thing. If so. not sure how you test that, but I will have a look to see if something stands out.
As for another brand of prop. That’s not a bad idea.
This is what the machine is showing me today
This is Z Axis vibrations against GPS speed. It’s a shocking correlation
Motor 1 RPM against Z Axis Vibrations
Motor 2 RPM against Z Axis Vibrations
Motor 3 RPM agaisnt Z Axis Vibrations
Motor 4 RPM against Z Axis vibrations
I don’t see anything here …but maybe I just can’t see it.