Hello guys, It’s me again, and i got huge problem, I can’t takeoff in stabilize after 4.4.4 version install, i getting huge vibrations from motors, before it flight very well, I saw weird thing, when i put D term almost to 0 or 0 and PI to 0.05 everything perfect, but when i making terms higher i coming to same vibration levels, I don’t understand what happening, never saw those things before. Thanks for your time. First file will be with startup settings, and bigger one when i was modyfing PIDs.
You are getting self induced oscillations.
Either make the frame stiffer, or tune the notch filter and keep the PID values low.
You can’t have a Rate D-term off 0 so set that back to default. Leave the Rate Pitch/Roll at 0.07 for now and set these:
Then see if there is oscillation in the outputs.
@dkemxr Hello, I have been put your params, nothing much changed, I will put another log. It doesn’t hold throttle when vibration stepping up higher than 30 it’s starting to go down and touching the ground. I can’t hold throttle to hold altitude as I want. Here is the file, thanks for your time
Y axis vibrations are a major problem, and it’s physical - not much we can do with parameters yet.
Check the flight controller mounting and if there is any wiring touching it or pulled tight.
Maybe supply a photo of the flight controller.
Right, nothing much did. There is still massive output oscillation. Shawn’s right, you can’t advance until the vibration levels are tamed. Clipping on a 6C at hover is just plain bad.
Hello @xfacta @dkemxr I have been fixed it. now everything kinda looking well, I just downloaded version from github, putted that in, and tried to fly, in first takeoff i had same vibrations, and copter was vibrating too, I’ve decide to put low values again, and go little steps to up, and it worked, Why can be that happend? anyone have any ideas? Same frame, no finger touched to pixhawk, I have same frames for several drones, and everything fine, but this one was the problem. And by the way, maybe you have some upgrades what I could put to it ? 00000006.BIN | Files.fm.
The vibe levels are improved but not great. This will continue to give you tuning trouble and perhaps Auto Tune will not produce a good tune. You can adjust the notch.
hello @dkemxr I putted your settings, nothing much changed. I and tried to fly, I had wind today, but still fly. so I have vibration when flying to wind side or wind pushing from side, when I fly with wind, vibrations pretty low, maybe you have some advice to make lower vibration when fly against wind? I will give you file, thanks for helping me out! 00000004.BIN | Files.fm.
X11 plus weird sound from motors, not good sound, i have other there is no such a sound. Maybe there is some setting, or filter to turn that sound off? When i make yaw, there is axis vibration, when stops. Maybe someone could help with notch filter? How I should configure that notch filter. I put file to you and i think you gonna see everything. @xfacta @dkemxr 00000036.BIN | Files.fm.