X11 plus weird sound from motor

@dkemxr he has a PM02D with i2c connection and wants to connect it to a CubeOrange.
He needs to use the I2C port of the CubeOrange not the Power Module input.

On the Holybro Pixhawks that accept an I2C power module, like the 6X Pro, itā€™s on the Power Connector shown on the diagram.

Pixhawk 6X Pro

See the SCL/SDA pins?

He is using a Cube Orange flight controller.


I got new one, just checking new things out. I have PX 6x pro.

Are you using a Cube Orange or a Pixhawk 6X Pro? Your posts are nothing but confusing.

Well, I donā€™t use Lidar or something, like in photo, Pixhawk 6x pro, i got it and trying to check to another copter.

@papa_seleckis thanks for clarifying that.

You have been using a CubePilot CubeOrange for 8 months and today changed to a Holybro Pixhawk 6X Pro ?

Why did you not get a Holybro PM08D with that?

Go to the page and look for yourself. The image is showing the connection from the PM02D to the Pixhawk 6X Pro Power 1 connector.

Good luck.

And open a new thread. Otherwise it will confuse more people.

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Well, I just got from the box, you donā€™t understand me, I have another copter, weather in my place is really bad to check, so i was just checking that thing, and i saw I cant see battery voltage with PM02D. All another setup.

I already did from next gmail but no one texted me back.

So from battery monitor i put to power1. in the FC i put I2C cable, and where I need to put other side of cable?

New copter, new thread. gmail is not this forum.

Open a new forum thread and explain the hardware you have on that new copter. I do not see any other thread from you in this forum.

This one is the link. I have been there but no one answer me. PM02D module and pixhawk 6X

OK, so that other vehicle has itā€™s own thread now. Good.

I have fixed and updated more stuff in the X11 template and released a new ā€œlatestā€ version with the fixes.

Would be good if you used the new template for any future tuning.

Sorry, I repost it to there.