X11 plus weird sound from motor

And please answer all the questions. One by one.

Pixhawk 6X Pro

Pixhawk 6X Pro

  1. Yes module is that.
  2. Yes that is.
  3. Not connected yet
  4. Yes I did.
  5. That’s right too.

@dkemxr he has a PM02D with i2c connection and wants to connect it to a CubeOrange.
He needs to use the I2C port of the CubeOrange not the Power Module input.

On the Holybro Pixhawks that accept an I2C power module, like the 6X Pro, it’s on the Power Connector shown on the diagram.

Pixhawk 6X Pro

See the SCL/SDA pins?

He is using a Cube Orange flight controller.

I got new one, just checking new things out. I have PX 6x pro.

Are you using a Cube Orange or a Pixhawk 6X Pro? Your posts are nothing but confusing.

Well, I don’t use Lidar or something, like in photo, Pixhawk 6x pro, i got it and trying to check to another copter.

@papa_seleckis thanks for clarifying that.

You have been using a CubePilot CubeOrange for 8 months and today changed to a Holybro Pixhawk 6X Pro ?

Why did you not get a Holybro PM08D with that?

Go to the page and look for yourself. The image is showing the connection from the PM02D to the Pixhawk 6X Pro Power 1 connector.

Good luck.

And open a new thread. Otherwise it will confuse more people.

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Well, I just got from the box, you don’t understand me, I have another copter, weather in my place is really bad to check, so i was just checking that thing, and i saw I cant see battery voltage with PM02D. All another setup.

I already did from next gmail but no one texted me back.

So from battery monitor i put to power1. in the FC i put I2C cable, and where I need to put other side of cable?

New copter, new thread. gmail is not this forum.

Open a new forum thread and explain the hardware you have on that new copter. I do not see any other thread from you in this forum.

This one is the link. I have been there but no one answer me. PM02D module and pixhawk 6X

OK, so that other vehicle has it’s own thread now. Good.

I have fixed and updated more stuff in the X11 template and released a new “latest” version with the fixes.

Would be good if you used the new template for any future tuning.

Sorry, I repost it to there.