WP_RADIUS has no effect in AUTO mode


We have been using ArduRover 4.2.3 for quite some time now with our vectored thrust boat and we’re satisfied with the autopilot’s performance after tuning.

A few days ago we decided to make the upgrade to 4.3 to experiment with S-Curves and also utilise other features like the SIYI camera gimbal control. The boat seems to follow lines pretty well, however it appeared to overshoot the waypoints by quite a bit when there is a 90 degree (or sharper) turn. I can see that this happening because the WP_RADIUS is set too low so it’s taking longer for the boat to get to a “waypoint reached” state before it starts to turn to the next one.

Here’s the problem: Increasing the WP_RADIUS parameter doesn’t appear to have any affect on the boat’s pathing. The boat follows a basic square pattern with the same degree of overshoot with WP_RADIUS set to 15m as it does when it’s set to 100m and everything in between. The parameter is simply being ignored.

What could be going on here? Is there another parameter that limits the effects of WP_RADIUS?


Known issue in Rover 4.3 and higher. Expecting a fix in Rover 4.4 when it goes stable.

Thanks! It’s good to know that I’m not crazy haha. I see in your Github issue that you mentioned using a Lua script to “force the WP ahead”. Would you mind sharing how you did this? We would ideally like to use 4.3+, but would have to revert back to 4.2.3 if we’re unable to add some kind of temporary workaround.

is this problem fixed yet, i still don’t see any impact from WP Radius set in “Plan” tab or I’m setting it wrong ?. @Yuri_Rage I can’t find the Lua code to fix the WP_Radius not honor in:
AR_WPNav: Rover 4.3+ does not honor WP_RADIUS · Issue #23457 · ArduPilot/ardupilot
Can you help me find it though, tks a lot

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OBE. The new nav controller (as of 4.3) functions differently. See the tuning section of the wiki.