Wobble during descent

We have build dihedral quadcopter with T motor MN8014 motor with G30*10.5 inch propeller. We have done windspeed estimation and Baro compensation our value of EK3_DRAG_MCOEF = 0.4 we have calculated it by averaging values we get from last 2 samples . Our EK3_DRAG_BCOEF_X is 516.85 and EK3_DAG_BCOEF_Y = 544 .

log of baro compensation

we have followed the sequence
-imu temp calibration
-initial tune parameters and test manual flight
-changin the psc_accz_p&i according to motor thrust hover

  • configuring the notch filter and magfield calibration
    -autotune (0.075 aggression)flight
    -evaluate the tune and then wind speed estimation flight
    -autotune(0.1 aggression) again to fine tune he drone

now there are two main problem
-wobbling on descent
-random behavior

random behavior in the sense that sometimes it wobble in low wind condition and sometime it keep highly stable in high wind condition.

here are log of flight

Sounds like wrong MOT_THRS_EXPO

Post the .param files and the vehicle_components.json file.

Why does this sound familiar? :thinking:
Right, I’ve read it before. And it seems you didn’t fix it in the past 3 months.

Please post a calculation how you got to these values.

Also all your logs are access restricted, so we can’t actually look at them.

suas_quad_latest.param (20.5 KB)
Here is the .param file for our Quadcopter




Here is the updated drive link

Again sorry for the late reply

How often do I have to ask?

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How did you determine that value?

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Which value are you talking about?

first of all I tried with the default value for this from ardupilot that 0.75 for 30 inch prop
then from previous thread people suggested this value i.e 0.2 for T-motor flame esc

The parameter depends on the ESC, the motor and the propeller. You should search the internet to see if you can get test data from the particular combination that you are using

ok we will try and please also tell any other reason for the same, can you please verify our value of wind speed estimation, please…

No I can not do that yet. I need more data from you in order to verify the parameters.

I can verify that these values are NOT correct, for the exact same reason I gave you 3 months ago:

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The google link has access restrictions.


Updated link

seems like your drag coefficient is really wrong @janno is correct!!!