Wiring for Y12 Reforestation Drone

Hey everyone!

For those that don’t know me, I’m Zach - a Y12 student in Bega NSW - and I am currently completing my Major for Design Technology. For the past year or so, I have been hoping to develop a reforestation drone, seed pods and all, which will run on a Pixhawk 6C Mini that is running Ardupilot & Mission Planner. As of recently, I have (finally) come to the finish my research and have developed a wiring diagram for the components I will be using. I have done a lot of research on each component, so I’m almost certain it can handle the payload and last a while. However, as this is my first time doing this, I’m still unsure about whether I’ve got the wiring right (in the doc below):

I know its pretty rough, but I’ve worked hard on it and am pretty confident this is correct. However, if you could spare the time to confirm whether it’s right (even an approximation will do), I would really appreciate it!

Thanks heaps! Zach