Why the copter in auto mode continued to climb?

I set a test mission the default alt is 50m then i take off, at the beginning of all, when the copter go to the 5 number of waypoint, problems arise the copter continued climb to 120m, then i switch to the loiter mode to land down. why there such thing to happen? and this is my log file .2016-09-21 14-33-29.bin (2.0 MB)

What was the command entered at WP5?
My log analyzer cannot read it.

I can tell you it is a newer command.

UPDATE - WOW! you are using the default logging which grabs almost everything.
Write down that LOG_BITMASK value 176126.
Keep the value in your records to use it in the future for test flights/ troubleshooting.
But for now, tune it down a bit to like 958 to record Default+IMU.
The other code uses a lot of processing power and you may have simply glitched.

I also noted you are using 3.3.2 firmware.
You might give 3.3.3 a try.

thank you for you reply, WP5 is normal waypoint alt is 50m like WP3

in the process from WP3 to WP5 in the process of drone automatic climb.

For some reason it did not register as a normal waypoint.

As you can see, before (4) and after (6) are normal.
Can you post a screen shot of the flight plan in the planner, like what you have in the first screen but with the bottom details

i do not know what tools(you screen shot) you use to analyse the log file?
and i use the MissionPlanner. and this is my WP info.

no, I mean actually where you plan the mission.

You did save the mission?

The program I use to analyze is called “APM Log File Analiser”

in the mission planner the wp list look like this

OK, makes sense now.
It is the camera trigger thing you have going.
You see, telling the craft what is going to do at takeoff is command one. Takeoff is the second command in any auto flight by default in the logs so command 2 corresponds with Action 1 in the picture list of your commands.
Therefore, the camera trigger is action 5.
With 7.7 in that column anything could be happening.

Case in point, loiter turns.
It is said in the wiki that a positive value in the turns column has the craft rotate clockwise.
A " - " value has the craft turn CCW.
However, I found a " - " value…any " - " value will actually ask the craft to perform clockwise 255 turns.

as you say the takeoff is the second command, what is the first command?
the DO_SET_CAM_TRIGG_DIST P1 7.7 mean take picture every 7.7 meter, i test this command in other mission many times.

Meaning not only takeoff is processed, go to WP1 is set also.

So if the camera trigger has worked in other missions, I would say the flight controller glitched due to the intensive logging that is set.
Try that 958 LOG_BITMASK value and re-try the mission.

Thank you very much!!