Why does my plane (in sitl) make this weird swirl?

I’m learning waypoint missions using sitl before I go out and try it with my real plane. I planned a simple mission which included a loop of 3 waypoints after which it will land. From WP4 back to WP2 I notice this weird swirl or slalom (don’t know the correct word in English) which I highlighted in the screenshot below. Why doesn’t the plane go straight to the next waypoiint? Does anybody smarter than me know the reason the plane does this maneuver?

The plane will try to follow a straight line track from one waypoint to the next. Because of this you see the “swirl” of it trying to return back to the straight line.

Since a picture is often worth a thousand words, here is the planned path (in yellow), as @manavgandhi17 describes. You can see that the Plane does a fantastic job of canceling crosstrack error and flying that line.

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Alright, that makes total sense. Thanks for the info!

I’ve got everything set up now for my first full auto flight and I can’t wait!

Thanks again! You guys give me all the confidence I need for flying!