When SITL is unlocked, home no longer moves with the Moving Platform (ship sub), but stays at the current unlocked position

Run the sitl simulation, when unlocked, the home point no longer continues to move with the Moving Platform (ship sub), but stays at the current unlocked position

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I have the following 2 problems

  1. I use STIL to simulate the teaching example of Moving Platform Takeoff and Landing (Ships, Trucks, etc.), the ship_enable parameter does not appear at all, reboot or refresh does not improve, make sure that plane_ship_landing.lua is placed in /home/user/ardupilot Under the /scripts/ path (as shown in the attached picture)
  2. When I use SITL to simulate Moving Platform Takeoff and Landing (Ships, Trucks, etc.), I execute the unlock command for the aircraft, and the home point will stop directly at the position where the Moving Platform (ship) moves when the unlock command is issued, not Will continue to follow the Moving Platform (ship). If you continue to execute auto mode, because the home point is no longer moving with the Moving Platform (ship), the aircraft will RTL back to the home point instead of moving with the Moving Platform (ship).


we would like to implement this function in copter firmware. there is possible?

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Hi,Do you fixed this?

You need to actually load lua and enable “SHIP_ENABLE”