What should I use for ATC_RAT_PIT_FLT* values?

Hi Angus- I can’t actually confirm what they told me but this question about what MOT_THST_EXPO value to use for these ESC’s kept coming up so I inquired. It’s entirely possible that they were answering a different question. What I asked was pretty simplistic. I do know that I have helped out on craft with ~30" props and Flame ESC’s and something not far from default (0.7-0.8) has worked well.

Hi Leonard

What motor/esc manufacturer would you recommend instead?


Hi Leonard, are you able to expand on this a little? I am struggling with getting a good yaw tune on larger copters and the wiki doesn’t seem to shed much light on this. Does the FLTE value increase to create better ‘damping’ of yaw? Is there a number that is too hight / low to use? What can we use from the logs to better determine the optimum value for this? Thank you for any light you can shed on this and apologies if I am being a bit dumb on this.

Have you got a .bin log of the poor yaw tuning that you can share?
What is poor about it - overshoot? undershoot? heading is drifting? generally unresponsive to pilot input?
What params have you tried changing?

Most yaw problems are primarily an aircraft design problem, not a tuning problem.

FLTE is pretty consistent on all aircraft at 2 to 2.5 Hz.

The problem with yaw is that it can generally tune up with very high P terms that can saturate the outputs. So I often reduce the yaw PI term to 0.5 and 0.05 to make sure yaw does not compromise roll and pitch.

may i know how did you found out your INS_GYRO_FILTER value as 29

MissionPlanner Initial Parameters - put in your prop size and battery cell count, select “suggested settings” too.

Or the more modern approach: “ArduPilot Methodic configurator” Component editor - put in your prop size and battery cell count and follow the standard procedure.

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