What real-time constraints does ardupilot follow?

Hi, everyone.
I have very little knowledge of the ardupilot documentation, and I would like to know what real-time constraints ardupilot follows? Is it mentioned in the documentation? If not where should I look?

I would be very appreciative if you could give me some help.

It uses a lightweight real time OS.
What exactly do you want to know. Be more specific

Some (probably somewhat outdated) info is here:

The latest documentation (code is king) is: https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/libraries/AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.cpp


Thank you for your response.
I would like to know if ardupilot gives any requirements about how long a module must be executed. I think real-time software can only be real-time if it has time constraints, and I would like to know how ardupilot reflects its real-time nature?

we aren’t hard realtime.
We got a scheduler with tasks and tasks expected duration and max budget that what you have on AP_Scheduler for the vehicle.

There is also some background thread that aren’t into the main scheduler that are using the OS RT scheduler