What data log params to track for PID tuning

Hi Andrew, Thank you very much for your answers and analysis. I am building inside a metal warehouse , so the GPS and magnetometer do not work very well inside. Right now we are just trying to get the vehicle to hover inside as stable as possible, so we didn’t think we need these working yet. In fact the GPS\Magnetometer is not yet even mounted on the vehicle. But of course when we go out side, these should and will be setup properly.

Regarding the Q_ M parameters. We are using different motors for the front and back. The 2 front tilting motors are 10kW motors and run on a 14S battery each, and the back 18kW cont/40 kW peak motor runs on two 14S batteries in series. So the front and back motors run on different voltages and therefore use different ESC voltage types. So I am not sure how to input the data required for the Q_M parameters.

Regarding the signals you graphed. Can you tell me what these names correspond to in the following PID diagram?:

Thanks, William