Well. I crashed :)

I installed the 16’’ 5.5 propellers on my 1.3kg balsa wood drone 4S drone. Wow it is crazy powerful. It was powerful :slight_smile:

I ordered 6S components because of the issues I had and I thought it wasn’t powerful enough. I think I might need to drop down to 3S actually, maybe even 2S.

At 10% throttle it shot up so fast it was very difficult to control. In loiter it kept on falling to the ground.

I don’t know what I did. I know I tried loiter and I tried Alt hold on and off. It would drop down and then all of a sudden it shot up probably 20 meter.

It didn’t want to come down so I used return to home. It just stayed in one spot and then when I went back to Stabilize it dropped like a rock.

Motors and body destroyed but electronics I think are still fine.

Seems it will have plenty of power to carry a camera and gimbal. I have to keep the weight below 2kg for laws in Australia.

Exciting times :slight_smile:
I wonder 20’’ Props would do.

Overpowered copter are difficult to prameterize. Did you followed the Alt-A instructions on mission planner? Did you tune the dynamic notch filter, did you set the loop rate to 800Hz?

Nada. I just changed from my 10’’ props to my 16’’ props to see if it will lift off. University costs.

I have to replace 3 motors so going to go from RCTimer 5010 530KV to RCTimer 5010 260KV.

At 6S and 16x5.5’’ the total lift will be 4760g and I aim for a 2000g craft so it should give me around 40% throttle so it will be much more user friendly. It will draw around 24A (2400 mA)

The 6S battery (long story in other threads) that I am getting is 2200 mAh 50C battery so 24A will be a walk in the park for the battery.

I read up a little about dynamic notch filter. I did a noise test but that was with the 10’’ props. I don’t know if there would be a difference with the 16’’ props.

I will attach a big box (with 2kg of weights in it) to the drone when the new motors arrive so that I can first test it safely.

I don’t know how I can test it safely with ropes. I would need a way to pull the ropes back as the drone comes down.

Well, that is just dumb. Use Alt-A and tune the dynamic notch filter. Otherwise it will obviously crash again.

I will be sure to do that. Thank you.