Weird behavior of YAW controller

hi there…

I made a Hexacopter from the Pixhawk 2.4.8. and properly calibrated it. the all the motors and propellors are in correct direction. But while takeoff if i move yaw to left the drone get rotate by a left direction, but it will continuously be moving in same direction even if I release the yaw. once i move yaw stick left and release it, the drone continuously rotate the left until I move yaw stick to right. one i move yaw stick right and release it, it will continuously rotate the right, even if the stick is its center position it will not stop rotating.

due to it i can’t controll the drone and it got crashed. Also, the Altitude and Loiter mode is not working.
when i pull the throttle above 50% the drone got always crashed.

please give a solution if anyone have. i am beginner in this field.

You have probably a “Yaw imbalance”. Search in this forum for it. The typical problem comes from a twisted motor.

And because you are a beginner you did some errors while configuring and calibrating the vehicle.
To avoid doing errors use the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator | MethodicConfigurator software created for beginners like you. It will guide you step-by-step on how to configure the copter, using a simple GUI and it no “hidden” menus.

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What do you mean by twisted motor. And explain more about troubleshooting.

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