Voltage compensation to throttle/pwm is used in many places in motor_output function, is it used repeatedly?

voltage compensation to throttle/pwm is used in many places in motor output function. I think it is used repeatedly, there is no need to use it so many times.
The current situation is as follows:
voltage compensation is used in three functions in output():

void AP_MotorsMulticopter::output()



(1) the first function:
_lift_max = _batt_voltage_resting_estimate / _batt_voltage_max

void AP_MotorsMulticopter::update_lift_max_from_batt_voltage()
    float batt_voltage_filt = _batt_voltage_filt.apply(_batt_voltage_resting_estimate / _batt_voltage_max, _dt);

    float thrust_curve_expo = constrain_float(_thrust_curve_expo, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    _lift_max = batt_voltage_filt * (1 - thrust_curve_expo) + thrust_curve_expo * batt_voltage_filt * batt_voltage_filt;

(2) the second function:
compensation_gain = 1 / _lift_max
throttle_thrust = get_throttle() * compensation_gain;

void AP_MotorsMatrix::output_armed_stabilizing()
    const float compensation_gain = get_compensation_gain();
    roll_thrust = (_roll_in + _roll_in_ff) * compensation_gain;
    pitch_thrust = (_pitch_in + _pitch_in_ff) * compensation_gain;
    yaw_thrust = (_yaw_in + _yaw_in_ff) * compensation_gain;
    throttle_thrust = get_throttle() * compensation_gain;

(3) the third function:
use _lift_max and battery_scale = 1 / batt_voltage_filt

void AP_MotorsMatrix::output_to_motors()
    for (i = 0; i < AP_MOTORS_MAX_NUM_MOTORS; i++) {
        if (motor_enabled[i]) {
            set_actuator_with_slew(_actuator[i], thrust_to_actuator(_thrust_rpyt_out[i]));
float AP_MotorsMulticopter::thrust_to_actuator(float thrust_in) const
    return _spin_min + (_spin_max - _spin_min) * apply_thrust_curve_and_volt_scaling(thrust_in);
float AP_MotorsMulticopter::apply_thrust_curve_and_volt_scaling(float thrust) const
    float battery_scale = 1.0 / _batt_voltage_filt.get();

    if (is_zero(thrust_curve_expo)) {
        return _lift_max * thrust * battery_scale;
    float throttle_ratio = ((thrust_curve_expo - 1.0f) + safe_sqrt((1.0f - thrust_curve_expo) * 
                            (1.0f - thrust_curve_expo) + 4.0f * thrust_curve_expo * _lift_max * thrust)) 
                            (2.0f * thrust_curve_expo);
    return constrain_float(throttle_ratio * battery_scale, 0.0f, 1.0f);

we use simplified throttle->pwm as the key formula for convenience and simple:
pwm = \sqrt{_lift_max * thrust} * battery_scale
In above formula, voltage compensation used in several times:
(1) thrust:

void AP_MotorsMatrix::output_armed_stabilizing() {
    throttle_thrust = get_throttle() * compensation_gain;

we can get

thrust = thrust_raw * compensation_gain = thrust_raw * (1 / _lift_max)
=  thrust_raw / (batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max)

(2) _lift_max:

_lift_max = batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max

(3) battery_scale:

battery_scale = 1.0 / _batt_voltage_filt = 1 / (batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max)


pwm_normalized = _lift_max * thrust * battery_scale
= (batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max) * 
   thrust_raw / (batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max) *
   1 / (batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max)
= thrust_raw / (batt_voltage_resting / _batt_voltage_max)
= thrust_raw * battery_scale

not end… I have to sleep now!

Even better is if you do a GitHub pull request

ok, thanks! I have made an issue.
issue addr: Copter: Voltage compensation to throttle/pwm is used in many places in motor output function, is it used repeatedly? · Issue #23575 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub
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