Very strange situation: Why My FC is not ready without PC?

Hi, there.

I have very strange situation.

A few ago, I took the first flight of the copter.
I didn’t know ardupilot well, so I made various attempts. this topic
And I successed first flight.

But, Now My FC Pixhawk 2.1 is not ready standalone without PC.
I must connect USB-OTG Cable in FC.
After the connection and ready is completed, it is maintained without problems even if it is removed again.
If I don’t connect PC to FC, that’s never not ready.
Maybe I set something wrong.

Please see below youtube.

I would perform an R/C calibration then ESC calibration also.

Then, I would check the voltages provided by the APM power module; it it is a clone, most of them do not provide enough amperes to power the Pixhawk correctly (do not forget that there is also a GPS and RX powered by the Pixhawk and these increase power load too). I also use a cloned APM power module but I only use the VCurr and VBatt lines from it, I do not power the Pix from it (I am using a Matek PDB board for that which provides the necessary amperes).

Calibration is OK.
And, It was previously ready With the same hardware configuration(Batt,Props, ESC and GPS)

I don’t use Power Module. Why APM is not read sensor data? My Module is no response.
The voltage of the battery measured by my multimeter is 11.8V now.

The Pixhawk should receive 5V from the APM power module, no more.

hi @BlueMS

It seems Power Module problem

First, I’m so sorry late reply.
I could not use the internet because ISP’s problem.

@Frontier Yeah, I know. Many low-voltage parts is run 1V8, 3V3 or 5V and Pixhawk is same(used ARM chip)
Sorry, I’m sure I wrote the sentence incorrectly.

It’s wrong. The exact meaning I wanted to say is “I didn’t receive Power Module ADC Sensing Data.”

Hi, @mehmetyldz87
How are you? :slight_smile:
I want it to test but I don’t know this module number.
This is Pixhawk 2.1 bundle.
I think Not set power module or seems Module problem, too.

Does anyone know of a number of modules?
It’s not same this picture (maybe link is Pixhawk 1.7 bundle)
Below module made in 3DR?
Finish charging bat, I test Module Config in FC param.

Oh. I solved.

Update MP, it show another Power Module param.
FC receives C and V!

Thanks there.

Hi @BlueMS

I am fine , thank you. I am glad to solve this problem. Have a nice flight