V-Tail Fixed Wing Crash

I have a V-tail plane and it crashed on its second flight. On its first flight, we drove the plane in FBWA mode, it was able to perform good maneuvers, but we could not control the plane and it crashed, but the plane did not appear to be damaged. We did not re-set the autopilot. On the second flight, the plane took off in FBWA mode, then I switched to auto mode. When it entered auto mode, it was not stable at all, the pitch was constantly changing up and down. Tried to draw the task and crashed after a few seconds. While the plane was crashing, I received a message on the HUD saying “Airspeed sensor 1 failure. Disabling”, but I’m not sure if that’s why the vehicle crashed. Maybe this error may have occurred after the crash, I couldn’t fully understand because the plane crashed so fast. I’m also attaching the log file, do you have any ideas?

second flight log file:

I’m impressed the plane made it as far around the mission as it did. Looking at the Attitude control it looks like the plane is out of control. This suggests to me issues with the initial setup of the plane.

I would go back to the basics of the assembly.

  • Make sure the FBWA corrections are moving in the right direction. Reverse the servos as required.
  • Make sure the RC link movements are moving in the right direction. Reverse the RC channels as required.
  • Make sure the center of gravity for the plane is correct. If this is not correct, the plane will not fly.

You might consider disabling the airspeed sensor for the first flights. Get the plane trimmed and flying before you try to rely on the sensor. If it is wrong, it will cause issues ,but if the plane is flying well to start with then you’ll be safe.

I would caution against flying in auto mode until you have the plane sorted out. If it won’t fly in FBWA, then it will crash in auto, as you’ve seen.