we built a USV from a kayak, with one Torqeedo motor steered with a servo. The control system we first bought turned out to be not suitable, so we decided to go for Ardupilot. Now we need to buy the hw and start putting things together. We need help choosing the right hw to start with.
Here is some more information:
Time: Is of essence. We need this USV up and running as soon as possible. Delivery time to Norway should be short.
Costs: We don’t want to spend more than necessary off course. But we are a company, so what’s expensive to hobby builders might be ok for us.
Use of the USV: The USV will be used for hydrography nearshore and on lakes and rivers. It will be equipped with high end Multibeam Echosounder and positioning system.
HW components:
Flight controller: Which one do we choose? What to consider? There are so many.
Radio controller/video/coms: We want RC, video and network through radio. Looked at Holybro Skydroid 16 and Herelink, but hard to find in stock.
TTL-RS485 converter board for the Torqeedo.
GPS/Compass unless it’s on the Flight controller. (want this on the vehicle but want to be able to switch to the professional system from the payload when in use.)
Any help will be appreciated.
If anyone can reach out and help as a consultant, this is also interresting. Even more if this person lives in the Oslofjord region in Norway.