Using BNO085 IMU with ArduPilot?

I have my own custom flight controller based of the KakuteH7 (uses KakuteH7 hwdef.dat). There arent any MPU6000 boards I can fine online so I tried using MPU6500 and MPU9250 which the firmware does treat like an MPU6000. Problem is they can only be brought from eBay and ive gone through two that were messed up (ones axis were messed up and wouldn’t calibrate and the other would disconnect from mission planner when turning).

I have used a BNO085 IMU before with SPI and it is a very good sensor but there is no support for autopilot. I have the code to interface with it however I would like some pointers as to how/where to add the driver into ardupilot.

What files should I be looking at to get the SPI peripheral to use BNO085 addresses (instead of MPU6500) and then plug the gyro XYZ and accel XYZ values form the BNO085 straight into the AHRS/INS/EKF etc.??

Why not a ICM-42688-P? Or a BMI270

Id choose one of the ardupilot supported IMUs, but I cant find any in a board. They all come as the chip itself.

Overkill and expensive but there is a Developer Kit…

You are kludging this thing together with individual breakout boards for each component? Why?!

The drone being built is for a research project that include our own components and drivers not supported by ardupilot and need to access other peripherals like multiple SPI ports, ADC DMA. All FCs weve seen just have just a few pins on them for the bare minimum peripherals.

33 second search on google :wink:*11rdy3g*_ga*MTg4NDY4ODgzOS4xNzA0MzcxNDAz*_ga_15W4STQT4T*MTcwNjcxNTI5MC41LjEuMTcwNjcxNTUxOS41Ni4wLjA.*_ga_1KQLCYKRX3*MTcwNjcxNTI5MC40LjEuMTcwNjcxNTUxOS4wLjAuMA

Thanks for this. If i was to use this board, will ardupilot detect it automatically without the need to edit the firmware (as KakuteH7 uses MPU6500)

I guess you would have minimally to edit the board definition file to specify the chip select pin for SPI