Using ardupilot to put Bebop2 in acro mode

Hello, I am quite new to this subject and I want to use the bebop in accro mode. Can you please clarify the subject for me? And is it reversible? Thx

Please stop double-posting, it won’t get you faster answers.

Did you read what I posted yesterday in your other post? If it didn’t help, then please describe your problem in greater detail.

Yes sorry I can’t actually edit the post so I created a new one.
I wanted to know if it was possible to use it in accro mode and if I could still use the app made for the drone and not a pc.

Yes, flashing ArduPilot will give you access to acro mode.
No, the original controller can’t be used. You need a PC with a gamepad for example.
Yes, the process is reversible, you can reflash the Bebop with the original firmware.

Be aware that you’ll void the warranty of your Bebop by flashing ArduPilot.

PS: all of this can be found in the documentation I linked :wink: