Using 1 motor with 4in1 speedybee esc

I`m trying to use SpeedyBee f405 v3 stack for my rc plane, only problem i got is that i cant test motor, for now i dont have any RC conection installed and Motor test in misiion planner is not active at all, inside full parameter list i turned off arm checks and any failsafe i could find, still nothing, any help sould be really appriciated

are you using mission planner’s tab for motor test ?
If, try to increase the throttle % and time.
What is the esc are you using? send the servo tab print.

i was trying to use motor test but it`s inactive, i cant press anything. Esc is from the same stack as FC

Can you upload a param file? Trying to help you is just guesswork atm :man_shrugging:t2: