Understanding thrust test charts

Hello everyone,

I built a small drone which weights 200g total and I’m trying to find the best motor/prop combo for longer flight time, I’m trying to achieve atleast 30 mins hover time.

So I first tried the Flywoo Robo 1202.5 but they turned out to be very inefficient so I went again to shop for a different flywoo motor and I ended up getting the Flywoo NIN 1404 4850kv v2 which they claim to be super efficient from the charts they posted:

So I followed the chart and picked the first props (GF2540 3 blade) which they claim to lift 50g while consuming 0.7amps which sounded amazing on papers but when I went for a test flight it consumed like 5x more than that, or even more.

I understand that flying is not the same as bench testing the motor but is it supposed to make that much of a difference?

Has anyone found a good motor/prop combo for such small build?


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I did and I used it as a guide to choose my components, it claimed I would have 30 mins hover time but it turned out to be 10 mins max, is it tuning issue?