Understanding Mavlink message forwarding/addressing

I have connected the SimpleBGC 32-bit to a serial output of an mRobotics X2.1 autopilot running Ardupilot. The autopilot is connected to an external processor on another serial port. The SERIAL_PROTOCOL for both ports is set to 1 (Mavlink). I’m able to control the gimbal angles from the external processor by sending a Mavlink MAV_CMD_DO_MOUNT_CONTROL message (from a python script using pymavlink) containing the SimpleBGC’s system and component ID.

My question, is how can I get the SimpleBGC’s actual IMU angles? Per documenation (if I understand correctly), it should be publishing Mavlink ATTITUDE messages. With Mavproxy running on my external processor, I do see a HEARTBEAT message with type: 26 (gimbal). But no ATTITUDE messages. Are they just getting to the autopilot and stopping - not being forwarded on to my Mavproxy? If so how do I get them forwarded?