Underpowered hexacopter not taking off

Yes John,
I have understanding of Drone . I understand what you are saying about the help. I will keep on trying.


yes I am using Setup > Optional Hardware > Motor Test with 10-13% throttle and 5 sec duration.
I will look at the manual and try to see about the reverse channels.


I believe they are found in either advanced parameters or extended
But first did you make sure you are set to advanced and not basic to be able to see all the full parameter?

I appreciate all your help. No one is helping me here. Baltimore isnt a very big drone community.


Today I suspended the drone. Fixed the weight distribution and I think the FC was slightly disoriented . . then I put it on the ground (near my house against my every instinct, when I should have taken it to the park).
And then I started the drone and it took off like there was never any problem, I panicked and put the SWICTCH C in HOLD ALTITUDE and the drone couldnot clear the trees by 1 foot and fell down and broke (no one was hurt). 2 of the props are broken. One of the arm is not going back into its plastic grove.
Only witness for my drone flight are my kids.
I am grateful for all your suggestions. For helping my drone to take off.
Thank you friends,