Unable to use SITL with AirSim on Unreal Engine

I have setup AirSim with the landscape mountains environment and have also set up SITL using Cygwin. However, when I attempt to run SITL in order to move the quadcopter around on unreal engine, while I do get MAVlink, the map and the console to open, any commands that I type into the MAVlink have no effect on the quadcopter; it does not arm nor takeoff or do anything after that. I do receive a message as I attempt to start SITL, an image of which I’ve attached below. I’ve also attached the settings I’ve used in the .json settings folder for the Unreal Project. Is there any change that needs to be made to the settings/SITL set up?

2020-05-20 (2)

Is the default ArduPilot SITL working properly, i.e. without getting AirSim involved? If not, then that would be the first thing to look at.
If the UE window is responsive and not stuck, then it’s receiving messages from AP.
Another issue could be Windows firewall, try disabling that and see if things work.

BTW, not sure why this is tagged in the Plane category

If by default SITL you mean if the drone is changing co-ordinates on the map and displaying the commands on the console, then yes it is. The UE window doesn’t show any of the commands though.

Look here , we discuss about switching to WSL

Thanks a lot for the help. It initially seemed to be working fine after disabling firewall and waiting for a few minutes after starting airsim, however, I noticed that after takeoff the drone would start moving around randomly even when I didn’t type in any commands.
Since it was a custom drone and not the default one, I made some changes to the arducopter programs so it would move the way I wanted, but after replacing the original programs I now get an error message saying "add_group : name git_submodule already exists. What do I do?
Also, what do I do if the drone keeps moving around without actually being told to?